Thursday, May 19, 2016

You Have a Kingdom You Must Rule

`The journey across the linear timeline that we have individually been walking on is out of touch with reality. Reality is defined by Living Color, Living Sounds, and Living Emotions. These are all defined within the Aura Field that most have been taught to believe merely show the colors coming off of the body. The reason we do not see Living Colors in the body is because it is too dense. We have trained and wired the mind/body brain not to see the seemingly empty space that exists between the physical form that we see with our eyes. Within this empty space are realms of distinction and dimensions that we have not yet explored, and will never explore unless we move off of the linear timeline that we base all of our reality on.

What we see with the body's eyes is limited to what we have been taught is real. A whole Universe has been defined based on what we believe we can see with a fragmented body vision. This is not whole vision, it is merely a minute aspect of the Kingdom that we are missing out on because we cannot see it.

Every thought we have bears witness to what is occurring in the aura field. As long as we do not understand that our thoughts are impacting the Kingdom that we are designing in this realm that we cannot see with our eyes, we will never wholly appreciate Who We Are, or our Universal Creative Purpose.

"What gives rise to a whole world can hardly be called "idle thoughts." ACIM

What if all of a sudden your eyes were opened and you could see the Kingdom that you have made? What would it look like? Think, what have you been thinking, not doing, but thinking. Because this is the realm of thought. This is the Creative unconscious mind that we have learned to believe serves the body. This is hogwash. There is a lot more room in the empty space that can and would be used for a whole New World, if we were not focused on the form that is already there. As long as we consciously choose to stay on the linear timeline, we will never see that we have a Kingdom that we must rule.

The senses of the body have been fragmented into 5 separate senses. This ensures that we will never see the Kingdom we are responsible for ruling. Until this happens, this Higher Kingdom will never make any kind of sense to us. We need Whole Sensory Perception to see beyond the material vision that we use to see with the body. This will require mind training. It will also require individuals to undo the blocks that exist within the body that are interfering with the natural ability to see beyond the material realm.

Each time that a past sensory block is wholly undone in anyone, anywhere in the world, the collective is affected. The collective is where the seemingly invisible Kingdom is defined. This is the Kingdom that the Christ was referring to when He walked this Earth. He also stated that His Kingdom was not part of this world. Duh.....This Kingdom has already been established, but we have to clean up the emotional, psychological and chaotic mess that we have introduced into this Kingdom, if we do not want another world like the one we have made on the linear timeline.

The Living Water Frequencies were developed to help the individual consciously be introduced slowly into this Higher Kingdom. As consciousness begins to detach from the 5 senses, the ego mind/body begins to lose its grip on collective consciousness. As we all move together into the seemingly empty space, we begin to wholly understand and appreciate our real Creations. If the individual were suddenly thrown into this reality, they would not be in a position to govern it, as the experience would not be one that was necessarily welcomed.

Each time the Living Water Frequencies are used, they support our Real Creations. These are the Creations that we have mostly set for a more linear approach for a body experience. The unnatural paper flow of money does not support our Real Creations, Natural Flow does. This is the Natural Flow that connects us to Earth.

It is time to Awaken from this nightmare that we have been attempting to share separately, without any kind of reference to the whole, except through disease, war, hunger, intolerance, and the like. Look into your Aura, or your Kingdom. If you do not want anything else except what you already have in this world, are you sure this is what you want to share with your Creations? Your Creations are terrified of you because you are terrified of the unreality that has been defined on this unnatural linear timeline. WAKE UP.

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