Tuesday, May 17, 2016

The 8th Day Frequency Paradigm Shift

The unlimited Force of Power that has entered into our world once the 8th Day began, is not a Force that can be bargained with, nor can it be ignored. This is a Force of Creation that cannot see, and therefore will not protect, anything or anyone that does not support what was created in the 7 Days prior to the 8th Day.

It is impossible to escape this Force, and for this reason, it is essential for individuals to begin to align themselves with this inescapable Creative Force to protect themselves, along with what they see has value to them.

So profound is this Paradigm Shift, if it not were for the provisions that have been made for the people of our world, there would be nothing left of our world. Nature would survive, as the Creative Force designed Nature, along with the Natural Flow that moves through nature. Anything that our world has made that is not in harmony with Natural Flow and nature will pass away, unless we individually take refuge in a Universal Plan that has been in affect for thousands of years.

It is difficult to realize that we were collectively connected to the Natural Flow that moves through time to provide for nature. This would assure that what we creatively designed on the Earth would eventually become One with Natural Flow and the Earth. However, once the separation occurred, the ability for what we creatively designed was destined to be separate from Living Flow. This has left everything of value in our world in a precarious position of being destroyed. The question is, do we want to start over again after everything we have that has value is completely destroyed, or do we want to choose to take another path?

The 8th Day has a Frequency that is in harmony with Living  Flow. We are being given an opportunity to save what we have made both independently and collectively, by learning individually how to live in harmony with Living Flow. This will require us to become acclimated to the Living Frequency of the 8th Day. This frequency shift is essential, as the Creative Force that is looking for the Reality it has designed may include us, but it will not include what has value to us unless we place this value in a higher alignment, or order. This means that some shifting has to occur. This is the Paradigm Shift that will protect what we personally value from being destroyed.

It is useless to attempt to get physically ready for this shift, as this is not a Paradigm Shift that we can get physically ready for. This shift will occur at the acceptance level. The acceptance level occurs at the Free Will level. Because individual Free Will has been placed under the dictates of the iron clad body will of the ego, there will be an internal struggle that will ensue. This is the inner struggle that each individual is responsible for recognizing so it can be resolved. It is within this resolution that what the individual defines as value will be place in its proper alignment, and be protected from the Universally destructive Creative Force that is already here to clean up the mess that has been left on the Planet Earth by a mostly chaotic and insane world.

The Living Water Frequencies carry all of the Natural Elements necessary to identify and protect the individual, as well as what the property they value. Until individuals begin to become wholly acclimated to the Living Frequency of the 8th Day, it is to the individuals benefit to use the Living Water so they and their value can be recognized by the Creative Universal Cleaner.

As far as the Spiritual History of the world is concerned, there has never been a natural disaster that the people were not warned about ahead of time so that they could use a spiritual Plan to protect themselves along with what they valued. Before the Great Flood, Noah told the people that there was going to be a flood of monumental proportion, and the people laughed.

Before the mass Exodus from Egypt, the people were provided with an escape Plan, which allowed them to protect themselves and the property they valued. All of the people and all of their valuables passed through the Red Sea virtually unaffected by this sea. The Egyptian were not so lucky.

Before Sodom and Gomorrah was destroyed, an angel was dispensed to tell Lot and his family to flee the city. Time was made for him and his family to gather up their valuables and leave.

Before the Romans destroyed the City of Jerusalem in 70 AD, the people were told 70 years earlier that there would not be a stone left upon a stone in the city.

There are other examples of people being warned before a natural destruction occurred. Those who heeded the warning were saved. Those who did not did not only lose their valuables, they lost their lives as well. This is not a game, and any paper rules will not be applied. Paper rules are our games, and are not Universally Inspired.

The Universally Inspired escape Plan is not ours to choose. This choice has already been made for us. The decision is only whether or not we want to accept Plan to save ourselves and our valuables.

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