Monday, May 9, 2016

The Living Water Frequency Dispel

The Dispel Frequency works with consciousness to discourage mind chatter. The color of the Frequency is red, as his is a color of passion and truth. True passion and truth do not harbor mind chatter, nor will truth allow the ego to dictate reality, which is what ego mind chatter is attempting to do.
As with all Living Water Frequencies, it is advisable to use consciousness to assign personal value to personal thought, as the ego purpose of mind chatter is to interject old thoughts into consciousness to ensure that it remains in control. Consciously deciding to shift awareness into the emotional body, out of the lower control of the iron will of the ego within the physical body, begins the process of understanding where to find relief from the interfering ego.

The body control of the ego also encourages addiction, depression, disease, and the list goes on. By using the Dispel Frequency consistently, consciousness begins to become aware of where its real safety lies. 

The ego wants the individual to believe that there is a body solution to the unnatural body sensation brought about by inner turmoil  The ego encourages the individual to abuse substance, find comfort in disease, or retreat into depression. Because the Home of the Spirit is in the emotional body, as we consciously learn to associate with the emotional body over the physical body, past body references that were applied to inappropriate behavior begin to be seen as they really are. Once this occurs, the real problem can begin to be addressed.

As consciousness learns to consistently agree with the Higher Emotional Integrity of the Spirit, the former needs of the body that the ego insisted was the solution, begin to be seen as body fixes, instead of the real solutions that are offered within the emotional body.
Dispel carries a frequency high enough to shift awareness, however, consciousness must agree, as it is the purpose of consciousness to direct the mind. Consciousness must learn to direct its focus on the higher awareness of the Spirit, which carries our individual passion and truth.

The Living Color of Dispel is Red. Red is the color of the of the Root Chakra. The Root Chakra controls Passion and Inner Truth. 

To dispel is to eliminate the energy associated with the problem. We believe that by dispelling something in the body that is unwanted, the problem will be eliminated. This is actually getting rid of a symptom. When the problem is occurring at the energy level within the body, it is because energy has been misaligned and it is being mistakenly read at the body level. Attempting to fix the body, when the problem is actually occurring within the emotional body, would be like attempting to fix a flat tire by adjusting the carburetor. It is always an emotional disturbance that has been mistakenly assigned to the body by the mind that must be adjusted. Thus, the first thing that must be done is to shift consciousness away from the body to where the problem is really occurring.

Because Dispel is associated with passion and truth, when the Dispel Frequency is consciously focused on, the true purpose of passion and truth begin to work when they are not interfered with by the ego. Because the domain of the ego is the physical body, as consciousness is trained to support the natural abode of the Spirit, relief of the constant mind chatter of the ego will immediately be recognized.
The elemental cleansing that occurs every time that Dispel is used opens the Gateway to the collective joining with a Higher Directive of Consciousness. As it is learned that we do not have to "do" anything except be willing to join with higher inner passion and truth, it is consciously recognized where real safety lies.
Coloidal Gold is added to increase the Living Frequency in Dispel. Gold carries Universal Property Value, which makes it a conductor of Higher Energy. Gold is added to attract the Natural Elements necessary to begin the process of changing the lower frequency in iron body will, to a higher frequency of inner truth and passion. Gold is the conductor of Universal Truth.

Within this Living Water Frequency are;
The element of Air-The Living emotions that are transferred to the physical body from Dispel are of joy, higher intuition, purification of thought, higher connections, peace, freedom, release, and courage.

The element of Water-Rain Water

The element of fire-The color red, which the rain water has been infused with by the sun.

The element of Earth-a living rock called quartz crystal crystal. The living rock crystal that is used in Dispel has captured the essence of at least 12 full moons, along with the lunar eclipses that occurred during this 12 month time period.

The 5th element-is salt. This is the element that we have been commissioned to add to the other 4 elements.

The Essential Oil that is added is Rosemary, which dispels unhealthy negative energy.

Please note: What will be shipped is only the 4 oz bottle of Dispel. Everything else in the picture is what is used to increase the Value of the Living Water Frequency and does not come with the Dispel Frequency.

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