Saturday, May 21, 2016

What is Living Water?

Living Water is the Natural Flow that connects the 4 winds in time, the elements, and all of nature together. The harmony that is established from Living Flow is unmistakable.

In the beginning the Bible breaks down the creative cycle in days. Each day became part of the whole. When man was designed, he was not designed to be separate from this wholeness. What man was given that the rest of creation did not have was free will. Free will gave man the ability to choose. That man chose to establish a separate identity was born out of an insane idea that it would be possible to separate from the whole and establish a separate body identity. It would be this separate body identity that would establish man as being "like God." Or have the independent power to assign a reality separate from the whole. So, here we are, in the midst of 8 billion separate body identities. How do you believe this is working?

Living Flow must move through the whole. The fragmented nature of the ego mind/body is too dense, and too fragmented to house Living Flow, never mind understand it. The ego mind/body is the independent expression of the effects of the separation. We independently made it, nourished it, gave it meaning, a purpose, and along with a separate home to live in, a separate identity to look consciously look to for support and understanding. Unfortunately, the ego mind/body does not have whole solutions, as its purpose is, and always has been, to maintain a separate and independent identity that has NO reference to the whole.

If an individual begins to explore their connection to Living Flow, the ego mind/body will interfere. I have seen this occur when individuals have used the Living Water Frequencies. One woman began to have dreams in which she was being told she did not need to use Living Water, and in fact it was detrimental to her. I ask you, how can spraying Living Water into your aura be detrimental to the body? The answer is, it is not. The ego mind/body realized that its independent unreality was being threatened, and so it began to look for ways to sabotage her God given choice.

The power of the ego lies in its ability to deceive the individual, and thus steal their God given Right to choose. The stealing of free will places the ego in charge of the individuals Spiritual Identity, which is the only resource they have that connects them to Living Flow.

Everything that has been taught in this world is a reflection of the ego identity. The bondage issues that are so prevalent in this world are a direct result of what people have learned through education, physical and psychological trauma, along with the separate body identity that is given at birth, and the choices and decisions the individual makes long before they have the ability to reason. Most of these decisions and choices were made before the age of 5. Now I ask you, would you place a 5 year old in charge of a major decision that you would have to make that would determine the direction of your whole life? Yet this is what has occurred. Decisions that were made by children begin the process of handing over the Gift of whole Free Will, to the independent body spirit, which IS the ego. Without a reference to the whole, the process of disconnecting to Living Flow begins, and eventually ends in body death. This is NOT our purpose. Our purpose is LIFE. This life is extended to us through Living Water. The purpose of the independent ego mind/body is death. This is the life that runs across a linear time line. A beginning and an end, or birth and death. This linear timeline that we are living on is not any more real than the ego mind/body, yet here we are.

Reconnecting to Living Flow will allow us to Plant Living Seeds in a New World, but we must learn to consciously use our free will to make this connection. By reconnecting to Living Flow, everything we believe that offends our higher One Sense of integrity and Justice will be brought up for us to individually examine and then surrender. Because nothing real can be threatened, and nothing unreal exists (ACIM), what is not real will simply fade from our mind. Without our support, the deceptions of the ego will just fade.

Slowly, our world will make progress towards reconnecting with Living Flow. For each individual that connects just one fragment of truth that has been scattered into the 4 Winds, the fragments of Living truth that have been recorded in time begin to  come together to collectively connect us individually and globally to the Real World.

The old world is dying, because the time that the ego was given to control our collective free will was limited to a linear timeline. The end of this timeline was the end of the 7th day. The 8th Day has begin. This is the Journey Home. In order to reach Home, we must go back over the linear timeline and undo the errors that placed the ego in control of our free will.

Within the Real World there is nothing to fix, and there is nothing to do. There is nothing to do because anything we make through doing is simply a choice. It is not mandatory, but a choice. In the world the ego defines, working is mandatory. It does not matter who you are or what you do, there is going to be something you will be made to do, and this will not be your choice. Choice comes from our Free Will, not the direction of something or someone external. This ego spell of this insane illusion must be broken. Death is something we do, it does not come from being.

Being a Co-Creator is a lot different than being a body doer. What we independently make and what we collectively Co-Create can hardly be defined as having the same value.

There is really a long way to go before all of the elements join together to support a collective reality. In the meantime, there will be unnatural weather patterns. This is a higher attempt to bring our independent focus that the problem is NOT what we believe it to be.

Linear time has ended. Living Flow will show us how to make the journey Home. The Living Water Frequencies have all of the natural elements in them, which are necessary to enter Living Flow. The Living Water Frequencies are a way to get your feet wet in the Living Flow that runs through Real Time, which houses the Real World.

The Journey across linear time is simple, but it will not be easy. We have learned to house an independent illusion, which is not our home at all. What if there is something else? What if the way to a New Home is a choice that we have not learned to make yet? What would it hurt to get your feet wet with Living Water? It will cost you the value of your free will that you have placed in an artificially defined monetary flow. What belongs to Living Flow, which is defined in your free will, must be returned. Only the individual can make this choice. Value for value, a fragment of truth for a choice to support whole truth.


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