I am the Miracle Alchemist. I help people locate and then dispel the emotional congestion that is interfering with the internal peace of their Spirit.
All emotion is held within the unconscious mind. This is also called the emotional body. Because the unconscious mind is deeper than an ocean, finding the exact instant in time when a specific incident occurred that led to emotional interference at the body level is very difficult to locate without help.
While I was a practicing massage therapist, I began to understand the language that was occurring between the mind and the body. At the body level, this problem is identified as physical pain, disease, or mental depression, along with many other body anomalies that are often difficult to diagnose or understand.
I found that by asking my clients specific questions that were only relevant to them, a pattern would emerge that would indicate that an emotional issue needed to be dealt with. It took me several years to understand that the problem was actually one that involved the Spirit.
Any time there is an emotional issue, the Spirit is involved. When we first arrive in this world, our Spirit belongs to Inno-Sense. Inno-Sense is property that belongs to the Heavens. Because we are not in a position of understanding the Inno-Sense Nature, which belongs to the Heavens, we begin to associate our emotions with the body. This is not how our emotions are supposed to be defined.
The emotions in our Inno-Sense are creative. When they are placed under limited body restrictions, they become congested in the body. Without having access to the maturity or the protection of the Heavens, our Spirit becomes trapped in the body. Whenever the Spirit is trapped in the body, it becomes destructive. This is because the Higher Emotions of the Spirit must be free. Thus, confining the Spirit to the body will not protect the body, it will destroy it. This can be readily understood by the many body symptoms that are only indicated to the specific body that is hiding their Spirit in body emotional congestion. This is obviously a Spirit of Inno-Sense that is in distress that we must consciously made a decision to help.
What I learned during the time I was a massage therapist is that it is possible to help individuals consciously remember when their Spirit became trapped within the body. Once the exact instant is found, the individual then has a choice as to whether or not they want to release their Spirit to the Heavens, or to their Natural Home.
The Heavens is what we define as the emotional body. As you can see, Heaven is a lot closer than what we believe it to be. What this means is that Heaven is readily available to us, but we must be consciously willing to release the Spirit of Inno-Sense from the confines of the body.
The only way that our Spirit can communicate with us consciously is through body pain. As long as we continue to ignore body pains, or take the problem to a physical physician in an attempt to fix the Spirit, is how long the physical problem will remain.
Now, I would never tell anyone not to see a doctor. However, what I would say is this; the Spirit does not take direction from a physical doctor. However, it will accept conscious direction from the individual who consciously has made the decision to help the Spirit of Inno-Sense be released from the body. All I do is help the individual determine the false emotion that has the Spirit to attach to the body. Once this has been determined, the rest is easy, as Heaven now steps in to direct the Spirit of Inno-Sense Home. While doctors have their place, so does Heaven. A doctor is not informed enough to direct the Spirit Home. However, a doctor can treat the body. A whole solution calls for the body and the Spirit to be addressed within the mind to restore whole internal peace.
If you would care to read more, please follow the link below. This will take you to the website, onthe8thday.com where you will find more information regarding what has been discussed here.
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