The Heavens cannot interfere in the untimely matters that are afflicting our world. However, what the Heavens can do is to help us learn to use what is already available to us to help us individually and globally make this frequency shift. The Plan of One Wholeness Now is designed specifically to teach us how to use what is already available to us to help us both individually and globally in this global paradigm shift that is going on.
The Great Miracle Share teaches us how to join together to invest in the invisible. Whereas, the frequency of the world that we come from is set up to support the governments, nations, and corporations that are already in place, The Great Miracle Share will teach us how to set up and establish our OWN Kingdom.
Although the Foundation of this Kingdom has already been established at the Universal level, which means that the Earth's Grid has already shifted to accept the invisible 8th Day Frequency, the structure for a New World must begin to be built by the people.
The structure that is moved into the 8th Day Frequency, must be supported by the people. This means that the people must have access to the means that will shift the value of everything that will be moving from the old world into the New World. This means that old world value will have to be re-interpreted to remove any trace of the old world frequency, as the ownership frequency of the old world is contaminated with deception.
Old world value does not uphold the integrity value of the Frequency of the 8th Day. For this reason, any value that is moved out of the frequency of the old world, must be purified.
The Great Miracle Share allows individuals to invest in the miracles, which will define a whole global infra structural shift. What this means is that people will be deciding on the structures that will receive the purification necessary in preparation necessary to receive higher frequency value of a miracle. The miracle will infuse with the structure, which will increase the value of the structure 70 x 7. By increasing the value of the structure with miracles, the structure itself will be protected by the Heavens.
While the Earth itself is not for sale, so cannot be used for miracle investments purposes, there are building structures and that hold the historical value of our world. There are also structures that people can use to build a new economy with.
Investing in the miracles to reassign the value in old world structures, will allow us time to adjust to the huge Earth shifts that have occurred. The frequency of New Universal Grid that now supports the Earth is going to completely collapse the old earth grid. What this means for us is that we are vulnerable to the old world frequencies that are collapsing. This old energy will attempt to keep the people of the world enslaved to it. However, this is not the Plan of the Heavens.
The Heavens have a Plan to protect us and the structures of our world, but we must be willing to accept direction, along with accepting the means that will be given during this massive shift
Let us be clear on this; the 8th Day Frequency is nothing that can be controlled or manipulated by anything that is in place in the 7th day, or in the old world. All of this is collapsing, as the linear timeline is collapsing.
The Frequency of the 8th Day does not exist on the linear timeline. For this reason, anything that carries the same frequency value of the 8th Day is protected by Living Law. The value in the frequency of the 7th day was protected by paper, as was everything on the linear timeline. Paper law carries no value in the 8th Day of Creation. For this reason, all paper laws on the linear timeline are null and void within the 8th Day.
Miracles are invisible. However, the value of a miracle has the ability to change the frequency in any structure so it can be recognized by the Heavens. By investing in invisible miracles, the people can enter into the 8th Day with structures that they understand.
Having access to the ability to invest in the miracles for chosen structures that exist in the old world is only one aspect of what The Great Miracle Share is for. We choose the structure we want to invest a miracle in. We then offer the faith, which is the investment, and the Heavens will do the rest. The Heavens cannot do anything until we make this first step. If they did, this would be considered interfering. By investing in a miracle, we are asking for Heavens Help.
Once the miracle has been invested in, because miracles work in time, the miracle shift in value begins immediately. The individual is encouraged not to interfere in this revolutionary shift, as this shift is beyond the physical mind to understand. The individual is only asked to be faithful and exhibit patience, as eternal patience gives immediate results. Perhaps not in time the way it is understood on the linear timeline, but in the timezone that houses the 8th Day.
During the invested time used for a new miracle interpretation of an old structure, make preparation for what you want the structure for. Learning to set goals that the Heavens will support will require forethought and consistency. Forethought is a whole decision, which means that the choices one makes are in alignment with the goal. Miracles require consistency. If you are inconsistent, the value of the miracle will be lost to you. In this case, it will be necessary to find your own inconsistency to re-establish the value of the miracle in your own mind.
The investment The Great Miracle Share allows us to make investments in the value of the miracle, not in the value of the structure. Although we recognize the value of the structure in this world, the miracle is recognized by the Heavens. By investing in a miracle, the Heavens can in effect place this miracle within the structure of our choice. This will give the structure a whole new interpretation, or one that can be recognized by the Heavens. This structure can now be protected by the Heavens. Although it belongs to our world, it is protected by the Heavens. This is just the beginning of introducing Heaven on Earth. First, we have to have access to structures that will be protected from the collapsing of the linear timeline.
It is time for a new beginning for our world. The miracle is the only Living Tool from the Heavens that we have immediate access that will allow us first invest in the miracles that will add the value necessary to prevent the old world from attempting to steal what the Heavens has promised to the people. It will also protect the chosen structures from collapsing as the linear timeline collapses.
Miracles are the means to move mountains, but mountain moving will not happen without faith. This is the faith the people will provide. If we provide the means for faith, the miracle means will be provided.
Never before in the history of the Heavens has any civilization within the Universe been offered what is being offered to the people of our world. It might be time to begin to show some appreciation for what is being offered by accepting Heaven's Plan to define, explore, and then reveal a new beginning for our Self and for our World.
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The Great Miracle Share
On the 8th Day
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