Monday, July 4, 2016

One Wholeness Now

Our world was defined for a Whole purpose. Within the Wholeness of this purpose, nothing was left out.

One Wholeness Now defines the natural condition of the One. One is the Omnipotent Sound that determines the connection within the Universe to everything. Omnipotence is a Sound. It is the Sound of the A-Tone-ment. To be at-one with this Sound is an internal recognition that nothing can be separate from the Omnipotent Sound that Identifies us individually as having a Spiritual Identity. Anything in the Universe that carries this Omnipotent Sound is defined as living in the Light. Within this Light there is perfect harmony.

When our Spirit is not in harmony with the Sound of Omnipotence, it is because this higher Sound is being interfered with. You may ask how this Higher Sound is interfered with. This interference occurred thousands of years ago at the beginning of time.

The beginning of time is not anything we can understand from a physical point of view. Experts and theologians that try to explain what happened at the beginning, or how our world began, have left out one important factor. This factor involves time.

Time is a space of Wholeness. This is called inner space. It is not outer space, where their is darkness. Wholeness, or Omniscience embraces everything that lives and exists within the Light. It is therefore called Omniscience, but in terms that might be easier to understand, it can be identified as whole science. Whole science is also like a Living Computer. Just like a computer, it is full of vast amounts of information. The difference being, a Living Computer carries Living Color, Living Sound, and Living E-motions. Living E-motions are the Creative Expression within the time that is defined as being One Wholeness Now. Living E-motions move Sound to engage with the Light inside of Wholeness to define everything that is defined within time. Because the Spirit is the One Sound, when it emotionally engages with the abstract Living Colors within Wholeness, a chemical reaction is produced. It is this chemical reaction that will manifest into form.

Herein lies the problem in our world. Our Spirit, or our Omnipotence, (emotional frequency) is not being given access to the Whole Science necessary to create with. This is because consciousness is body consumed with ideas that were actually formed in outer space, or not within the Wholeness defined as Whole Science. Thus, the time we are living inside of is not defined within Whole Science. This is called a linear timeline.

Wholeness is a circle, it is not a line. For this reason, anything that moves outside of wholeness of this circle will not have access to the Omnipotence, or Whole Sound that is recognized in Wholeness, or within the Omniscience Mind, where all abstract Living Color, or Light, is located. Herein lies the problem occurring within our world.

Back around the time that our world began, there was an error that was made. This error shifted the Omnipotence Sound of the Spirit into darkness, or into outer space. In other words, the Sound of the Spirit was no longer wholly recognized as being One with the Light. Thus, the Spirit no longer had whole access to the Light.

There is no Light in outer space. However, the Spirit still makes a sound in outer space. The problem is and was; there is no light in outer space. Because there is no Light outside of time, there is no access to Whole Science, or Omniscience. With no access to the Light in time, the Spirit can still make a sound, but this is an unnatural haunting emotional sound. Within the body, this is an independent body sound that communicates darkness through emotional upsets. These emotional upsets are coming from the ego/mind/body. Where there is no Light, there will be sickness, death, war, disease, prejudice, hunger, limit, theft, criminal offenses, lies, cheating, deceptions, and the list goes on. Does this unnatural "sound" coming from the ego/mind/body mouth sound familiar?

The unnatural sound of the ego/mind/body was made outside of the Light in time. The unnatural sound of the ego/mind/body limits the Natural Sound that the Spirit was Created to Consciously direct. This limits on the body are directly related to the unnatural dark sound that the ego relies on for its reality. These are the miscreations of the Spirit that is being used by the ego. These are the miscreations that are making the world we are investing in to assign us reality.

There is another way, but this will call on us to learn to recognize the call of the Spirit for our conscious help. We are the hero in the ego nightmare dream that was made at the beginning of time, before the Spirit moved out of the Light to engage outer space so it could be "like God." Our Spirit made this nightmare that we are living in, and we are the ones that have agreed to come here to help release our Spirit into the Light.

So much of this information and understanding is held in the Wholeness of Light that exists in time. This is not the linear timeline, but the Wholeness of Time or Light that we have immediate access to as our Spirit of Inno-Sense is released into this Spiral of Time.

This information is readily available to anyone who wants to research their OWN, or One Wholeness Now, Spiritual History, but you will not read this information in a book.

Wholeness is both information and whole understanding at once. It is One Whole Sense, which is assigned to the Whole truth of the Spirit. Nothing is hidden here, as it has been hidden in linear time. Whole Inno-Sense, or whole sensory perception, must be restored to the Spirit so we can consciously claim whole independence and freedom for ourselves and for our world. The end of the ego is the end of the primal considerations of the ego that have kept our Spirit in bondage.

It is the ego that evolves in time, but the evolution of the ego timeline has ended. Where are we going to go now? We go back to the beginning. Back to the time when our Spirit was defined in Inno-Sense. Here we can begin again. If we want a new beginning for ourselves and for our world, we have to step up to the plate and become involved in the ball game.

The bases in a ball game are a circle. They are not a line. The Spirit does not evolve, it revolves in time, or within the Omniscient Mind. Science understands that time is a circle, why don't we? We are being asked by the Heavens to help end this treachery and madness. Will you answer this call?

The Language of the Spirit is defined in wholeness. Thus, whole understanding can be communicated simply from Spirit to Spirit without interruption. Whole Language is of Heaven and is generally communicated telepathically.  
Inno-Sense is aslo of the Spirit and is defined in a whole Language. Physical language, which is fragmented and depends on a separate body identity uses innocence to define separate baby body identities. Innocence is communicated in fragmented words that separate everything in time.
The Living Water Frequency of Inno-Sense carries an Omni-Sense, or whole Sensory Perception. Omni-Sense is intuitively broadcast, and accounts for what is intuitively understood.
Tuning into the Whole Language of Heaven requires a shift within the emotional body, where the Spirit resides. This will begin to shift inner focus to the Language of Wholeness. This is the purpose of the Living Water Frequency Inno-Sense.
4oz Bottle of the Living Water Frequency Inno-Sense investment is $35.00

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