For 6000 years, our world has been trapped on a linear timeline. This is a timeline that moves from birth to death, with very little progress towards the gaining of understanding necessary to restore the creative factor within. Real progress would allow our world to climb a spiral staircase in time. Each spiral on the staircase in time would move us consciously into higher level of Self understanding. However, this is just not the case here. We are limited because the Creative Factor within was limited to body doing at the time the separation occurred. Now we have come catching up to do, but first the doing and material blocks have to be undone. These are blocks in understanding that are limiting our personal creative expression.
First of all, we do not speak a Creative Language. We speak a physical language that is linear bound and subject to doing at the body level. If we want to understand the Creative Language, we will have to be willing to place the Spirit first in time, as it is the inner Spirit that understands the Creative Language. We don't because all we hear is a physical language coming out of the mouth, or a language that chatters in the mind. On the few occasions when truth breaks through, much of this truth has been left on the linear timeline, or it has been buried in a grave along with a dead body. We do not hear because we are listening to something else. Too many of the Living Words that have been given to our world have been lost on the linear timeline. As individuals, these words have been given to us to share with the world. We must return to where these Living Words have been lost. Miracles will Light the way.
There is much to learn as we move into this spiral timezone. First of all, we have to undo the interference that has been limiting the Spirit to body sounds. We cannot hear what we are attempting to retrieve if all we can hear are body sounds.
The Spirit was created to be directed by consciousness. Because we consciously use the body to communicate with, these limiting sounds are confining our Spirit to understanding that we have learned on the linear timeline. Because there has been nothing creative going on in the linear timezone for thousands of years, our Spirit is earthbound. Being earthbound in a timezone that is creatively unproductive, our Spirit has been set aside in favor of a seemingly more productive body that works for what we consciously want. For this reason, we must consciously learn to look to the Spirit for Creative Solutions, rather than looking to body doing, which requires a linear timeline to accomplish body rewards. This will require us to learn the Creative Language.
The Creative Language will allow us to understand the Living Sounds that are necessary to define new structures in time. In order to help us consciously understand how to direct the Spirit in this daunting task, we will be using what has already been made by the body. There is a reason for using structures that have already been built on the linear timeline. First of all, if everything we understood was suddenly gone, this would be paramount to the fearful body experience. This would completely undermine the idea of the peace that is necessary to stabilize the unnatural destructive frequency that is occurring globally. Second, learning to consciously direct the Spirit to add Creative Content to the structures that are already in the world, will give credibility to what is being learned, and will also allow the time necessary for each individual to learn the real purpose of giving conscious direction to the Spirit, and how this will affect the whole.
It is obvious that our Creative Spirit has been limited to body sounds, and consciousness must learn to move beyond these body sounds to offer the wholeness necessary to activate the Creative Factor within the Spirit. This will obviously not happen overnight, as there is just too much to unlearn before we can individually hear. There are also too many body sounds that are being used that are interfering with the Higher Sound necessary for the Creative Factor in the Spirit to hear. This is the purpose of miracles.
Miracles exchange the body experience for a Miracle Experience. In essence, because body sounds are emanating from a fear based intelligence, this FBI must be exchanged for a MBI, or Miracle Based Intelligence. Miracles are therefore the in between factor that will allow us to consciously ease into the Creative Intelligence of the Spirit without instigating unfounded fear.
Because the Creative Factor is beyond anything that the individual is ready to consciously understand, by learning to place a Living Miracle within the structures that have already been made at the body level, the individual will begin to bear witness to the fact that there is an aspect of the Self that has been being ignored. This ignorance is coming from a past sound that has nothing to do with the Creative Sound that would be recognized by the Spirit if we moved our own sound of understanding out of the way. The individual must agree to be an active participant in this shift.
A conscious Miracle Structural Shift in personal understanding will allow our world to be recognized by the Universe as being One with the Heavens. This will obviously not happen overnight. However, the Heavens are standing by, waiting for us to individually request Help in this huge transformation process. People will need this Higher Help because they have no understanding of how to insert a Living Miracle Sound into material structures that have already been built. This simple shift will change everything.
The Plan to add the Miracle Factor into the structures in our world has already commenced. We just do not understand this because we are looking at something else. The name of the Plan to introduce miracle structure into what has been defined by the body is called One Wholeness Now.
We the people are being asked to individually and consciously accept this Plan by becoming a willing participant. The acceptance of the Plan is individually necessary to assure its success. Our acceptance will ensure that our world will be saved for future generations, and also that we will be extended a conscious invitation to join forces with a Creative Galactic Force defined for the good of the Whole Universe.
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First of all, we do not speak a Creative Language. We speak a physical language that is linear bound and subject to doing at the body level. If we want to understand the Creative Language, we will have to be willing to place the Spirit first in time, as it is the inner Spirit that understands the Creative Language. We don't because all we hear is a physical language coming out of the mouth, or a language that chatters in the mind. On the few occasions when truth breaks through, much of this truth has been left on the linear timeline, or it has been buried in a grave along with a dead body. We do not hear because we are listening to something else. Too many of the Living Words that have been given to our world have been lost on the linear timeline. As individuals, these words have been given to us to share with the world. We must return to where these Living Words have been lost. Miracles will Light the way.
There is much to learn as we move into this spiral timezone. First of all, we have to undo the interference that has been limiting the Spirit to body sounds. We cannot hear what we are attempting to retrieve if all we can hear are body sounds.
The Spirit was created to be directed by consciousness. Because we consciously use the body to communicate with, these limiting sounds are confining our Spirit to understanding that we have learned on the linear timeline. Because there has been nothing creative going on in the linear timezone for thousands of years, our Spirit is earthbound. Being earthbound in a timezone that is creatively unproductive, our Spirit has been set aside in favor of a seemingly more productive body that works for what we consciously want. For this reason, we must consciously learn to look to the Spirit for Creative Solutions, rather than looking to body doing, which requires a linear timeline to accomplish body rewards. This will require us to learn the Creative Language.
The Creative Language will allow us to understand the Living Sounds that are necessary to define new structures in time. In order to help us consciously understand how to direct the Spirit in this daunting task, we will be using what has already been made by the body. There is a reason for using structures that have already been built on the linear timeline. First of all, if everything we understood was suddenly gone, this would be paramount to the fearful body experience. This would completely undermine the idea of the peace that is necessary to stabilize the unnatural destructive frequency that is occurring globally. Second, learning to consciously direct the Spirit to add Creative Content to the structures that are already in the world, will give credibility to what is being learned, and will also allow the time necessary for each individual to learn the real purpose of giving conscious direction to the Spirit, and how this will affect the whole.
It is obvious that our Creative Spirit has been limited to body sounds, and consciousness must learn to move beyond these body sounds to offer the wholeness necessary to activate the Creative Factor within the Spirit. This will obviously not happen overnight, as there is just too much to unlearn before we can individually hear. There are also too many body sounds that are being used that are interfering with the Higher Sound necessary for the Creative Factor in the Spirit to hear. This is the purpose of miracles.
Miracles exchange the body experience for a Miracle Experience. In essence, because body sounds are emanating from a fear based intelligence, this FBI must be exchanged for a MBI, or Miracle Based Intelligence. Miracles are therefore the in between factor that will allow us to consciously ease into the Creative Intelligence of the Spirit without instigating unfounded fear.
Because the Creative Factor is beyond anything that the individual is ready to consciously understand, by learning to place a Living Miracle within the structures that have already been made at the body level, the individual will begin to bear witness to the fact that there is an aspect of the Self that has been being ignored. This ignorance is coming from a past sound that has nothing to do with the Creative Sound that would be recognized by the Spirit if we moved our own sound of understanding out of the way. The individual must agree to be an active participant in this shift.
A conscious Miracle Structural Shift in personal understanding will allow our world to be recognized by the Universe as being One with the Heavens. This will obviously not happen overnight. However, the Heavens are standing by, waiting for us to individually request Help in this huge transformation process. People will need this Higher Help because they have no understanding of how to insert a Living Miracle Sound into material structures that have already been built. This simple shift will change everything.
The Plan to add the Miracle Factor into the structures in our world has already commenced. We just do not understand this because we are looking at something else. The name of the Plan to introduce miracle structure into what has been defined by the body is called One Wholeness Now.
We the people are being asked to individually and consciously accept this Plan by becoming a willing participant. The acceptance of the Plan is individually necessary to assure its success. Our acceptance will ensure that our world will be saved for future generations, and also that we will be extended a conscious invitation to join forces with a Creative Galactic Force defined for the good of the Whole Universe.
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