Wednesday, August 10, 2016

Alchemy, the Other Way

What is alchemy? What is it for, might be a better question. Alchemy changes the chemistry in a lower based metal to a higher metal that is much more desirable because it carries a much higher value. The only way this could be done was by using the natural elements in such a way, that it would excite the chemistry in the metal to such a degree that the metal with a lower compound would shift its internal value into a higher metal compound value defined as gold. I am not sure if anyone ever accomplished this task, as I have not read any success stories. However, many who practiced alchemy became philosophers with a much greater respect for the natural elements.

Using the elements in an attempt to change a denser metal into a much higher vibrating metal, or gold, called on the philosopher to examine how the elements would change lower property chemistry value to higher chemistry property value. During the course of learning this, the elemental application on metal became a lesson that the philosopher applied to himself. In other words, he/she would observe the effects of the shift on their own understanding while learning to understand how alchemy worked. In effect, they were attempting to change the basic Law of Cause and Effect on metal by exciting the internal memory of metal with the elements. This is what they were called philosophers.

The idea that a denser more compact form can be chemically altered with the elements is a fascinating subject. Although science has much more advanced means to use alchemy to understand the Earth and the Universe, in many chases science has attempted to integrate unnatural and synthetic materials into natural processes. This has made a world that has been forced to accept GMO's into the food supply, as well as the introduction of other synthetic materials that are a poor substitute for the alchemy of the natural elements.

What if I told you that alchemy was being granted to the people of the world on a grand scale? What if I told you that each individual had the ability to command the elements, and use them to undo the damage that has been done to our world. What if everything we need to change the world is just outside of the window? What if all that we had to do was to learn how to shift our perception of what we believe is possible, to what is really possible?

The Spirit is perfectly able to maintain its reality within the Natural Elements that are provided by nature. The problem is, our understanding has shifted into more of a body understanding of how reality is defined. This is called belief. The Natural Elements that are alive in nature do not and will not listen to conscious understanding that does not understand the connection of the Spirit and Nature. Religion does not understand this connection, and neither does science. However, it is within the power of each individual to learn to understand this connection. This is the "other way."

An alchemy shift in conscious understanding is one that allows the individual to access the elements that live in nature. Being able to consciously access the natural elements is called a miracle. However, the shift from lower body understanding into the Higher understanding of the Spirit, is called Alchemy.

This Miracle Alchemy shift in conscious awareness is so profound, once the alchemy shift has been wholly accepted by the individual, they will never go back to the beliefs that once kept them bound to the physical body.

Miracle Alchemy can also be described as a personal revelation. This is a revelation that  will not mean much if it is relayed to someone else.. However, to the individual that this shift in body chemistry has occurred, it is extremely profound. This alchemy shift occurs within the brain. It shifts the individual from the physical laws that are based on the conclusions of an external science, to certain understanding in the mind of the individual. This is the revelation.

The Living Water Frequencies that I was Inspired to develop carry the 4 elements, plus the one element that we individually are responsible for. The 4 elements are earth, water, air, and fire. The element that we add is salt.

Jesus said that we are the salt of the Earth. The Earth houses the Natural Elements. Adding our Spirit to the 4 other Natural Elements is how we the people reclaim our Right to the World we live in, and also the Planet Earth that our world has lived on for thousands of years. Because salt is part of nature, it will be accepted as one of the Natural Elements.

The Living Water Frequencies carry all 5 of the Natural Elements. All of the water used in the Frequencies is made with rain water. This is obviously the element of water. The element of Earth is defined in the way of a quartz crystal. All quartz crystals are living rocks and carry Universal memory. The chemistry of Our Spirit is one with the Stars.This makes the crystal unique in their ability to interact with the Natural Element of Water. Adding Universal Memory to the rain water increases the alchemy power in the product.

Living Frequencies are then added into the Living Water. All of nature carries Living Frequencies, which are carried in the air to other parts of nature. This information is intuitively found in nature.

The Frequencies define the element of air. The element of fire is provided by the sun. Each bottle of Living Water Frequency is charged by the sun through a transparent colored bottle. Once the rain water is color charged by the sun, the alchemy value of the Living Water is increased in value. Once all of this is complete, the Living Frequencies are added. By adding the Living Frequencies into the now color sun charged rain water, the process is almost complete.

Next, the salt is added. This is Himalayan salt crystal, which is chemistry that is recognized by the Spirit.

The alchemy shift from the body to the Spirit is transformative. It allows us an individuals to be in control of this process. We are the ones to decide how we will learn. However, what we will learn is not up to us. For obvious reasons, we would only add our own limited understanding to the process. This would prevent a whole transformation from occurring, both individually and globally.

Because we are ultimately the ones who will define a New World Structure, we are also the ones who will accept responsibility for introducing alchemy shifts into our mind. As we change, so will our world. Once the process is complete, the original purpose of humankind will return.

Before we can direct the Living Elements of the Earth, we must first introduce them to our Spirit. Our Spirit has been deprived of the understanding necessary to direct the elements on the Planet Earth. The next step that must be taken is in our hands. This is what the first 1000 years of the 8th day is for, to align our Spirit with the Natural Elements within the Earth.

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