Friday, July 29, 2016

The Miracle Alchemist

I am the Miracle Alchemist. I help people locate and then dispel the emotional congestion that is interfering with the internal peace of their Spirit.

All emotion is held within the unconscious mind. This is also called the emotional body. Because the unconscious mind is deeper than an ocean, finding the exact instant in time when a specific incident occurred that led to emotional interference at the body level is very difficult to locate without help.

While I was a practicing massage therapist, I began to understand the language that was occurring between the mind and the body. At the body level, this problem is identified as physical pain, disease, or mental depression, along with many other body anomalies that are often difficult to diagnose or understand.

I found that by asking my clients specific questions that were only relevant to them, a pattern would emerge that would indicate that an emotional issue needed to be dealt with. It took me several years to understand that the problem was actually one that involved the Spirit. 

Any time there is an emotional issue, the Spirit is involved. When we first arrive in this world, our Spirit belongs to Inno-Sense. Inno-Sense is property that belongs to the Heavens. Because we are not in a position of understanding the Inno-Sense Nature, which belongs to the Heavens, we begin to associate our emotions with the body. This is not how our emotions are supposed to be defined. 

The emotions in our Inno-Sense are creative. When they are placed under limited body restrictions, they become congested in the body. Without having access to the maturity or the protection of the Heavens, our Spirit becomes trapped in the body. Whenever the Spirit is trapped in the body, it becomes destructive. This is because the Higher Emotions of the Spirit must be free. Thus, confining the Spirit to the body will not protect the body, it will destroy it. This can be readily understood by the many body symptoms that are only indicated to the specific body that is hiding their Spirit in body emotional congestion. This is obviously a Spirit of Inno-Sense that is in distress that we must consciously made a decision to help.

What I learned during the time I was a massage therapist is that it is possible to help individuals consciously remember when their Spirit became trapped within the body. Once the exact instant is found, the individual then has a choice as to whether or not they want to release their Spirit to the Heavens, or to their Natural Home. 

The Heavens is what we define as the emotional body. As you can see, Heaven is a lot closer than what we believe it to be. What this means is that Heaven is readily available to us, but we must be consciously willing to release the Spirit of Inno-Sense from the confines of the body.

The only way that our Spirit can communicate with us consciously is through body pain. As long as we continue to ignore body pains, or take the problem to a physical physician in an attempt to fix the Spirit, is how long the physical problem will remain.

Now, I would never tell anyone not to see a doctor. However, what I would say is this; the Spirit does not take direction from a physical doctor. However, it will accept conscious direction from the individual who consciously has made the decision to help the Spirit of Inno-Sense be released from the body. All I do is help the individual determine the false emotion that has the Spirit to attach to the body. Once this has been determined, the rest is easy, as Heaven now steps in to direct the Spirit of Inno-Sense Home. While doctors have their place, so does Heaven. A doctor is not informed enough to direct the Spirit Home. However, a doctor can treat the body. A whole solution calls for the body and the Spirit to be addressed within the mind to restore whole internal peace.

If you would care to read more, please follow the link below. This will take you to the website, where you will find more information regarding what has been discussed here. 

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Thursday, July 28, 2016

Emotionally Bankrupt

In order to navigate in time, there are 3 things to consider. The body must be a consideration, as it is necessary to do to build structures in time. The second consideration is the Spirit. The Spirit gives our structures emotional content. In other words, if we do not love what we do in time, then the structures we build in time will not be supported by the Heavens. The last consideration is the mind. The mind is governed by consciousness. Consciousness must direct the body and the Spirit by being able to make decisions that will be wholly accepted by both the body and the Spirit. When there is a conflict between the body and the Spirit, it is because consciousness cannot decide. In this case, there will be conflict within the mind.

This is the problem in our world; education and the assignment of material value has placed the body in a superior position to the Spirit. This is deteriorating the infra structure of our world. Our world has become psychologically and emotionally bankrupt. If an individual becomes emotionally bankrupt, their life will end.

The body is a structure, and just like a building with no infra structure, without emotional content the structure of the body will collapse. What this means is physical death for the body. This problem is a global issue that is not being addressed. Instead, we are looking to individuals who are emotionally bankrupt to fix the structure of a world that is quickly dying. If we do not recognize this problem, there is not going to be any time left. As stated before, there must be 3 aspects of the Self to support time. If any of these aspects fail, time will end. The problem is, this has become a global issue. Because of this, the time that the Heavens allotted to our world to prove that placing the body first in time would make a better world has ended. Well, here we are, What do you think?

Before a problem can be solved, it must be recognized, and we are not recognizing the problem. We continue to build structures without having the emotional content ourselves to protect the structures we are building. They are just built out of bricks and mortar. There is no emotional integrity to hold these buildings up.

Individuals who attempt to build a structure in time without emotional integrity, or the emotional content necessary to sustain said structure, will find that the integrity of the building will collapse. Could this be what the attacks on the World Trade Center Towers were telling us? Ever since this event occurred, our world has been spinning out of control. Not only are businesses failing left and right, but whole countries are being destroyed by war. How much longer are we going to continue to attempt to hold up the structures in time without the support of the Heavens?

The Natural Forces that protect time are destroying the structures in time that are void of emotional content, because without emotional content, there is NO Spirit. Are we going to continue to support a world that does not honor the Spirit, or uses religion to destroy our Spirit? This is not order, it is insanity. The body component that has been placed first in time does not honor the emotional integrity built into the Ancient Structures that are thousands of years old. How long are the people going to continue watching this travesty? Once all of these ancient structures are gone, the emotional content that protects our world will be gone.

We can continue to choose to do the same thing that we have been doing that has brought us to where we are today, or we can choose to consciously learn to place emotional content into the structures we are building.

The first structure we must begin with is the physical body. The body is a structure, and it must have access to the emotional integrity of the Spirit if it is to survive.

By allowing ourselves to become emotionally bankrupt at the body level, the integrity of the body begins to disintegrate until it dies. This is obviously called running out of time. Are we ready to teach our children how to build structures in time without the emotional integrity of the Spirit necessary to sustain the world for the next generation? None of this has to be.

"Rebirth is merely the dawning in your mind of what is already in it." What is already in it that is being ignored? It is the integrity of our OWN Spirit. Our world has a Spirit as well, and it has been ignored far too long.

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Wednesday, July 27, 2016

Update on the Awakening Living Water Frequency

$25.00 for a 4 oz bottle
We are just entering into an era of a global reformation. This will involve shifting consciousness to a higher level of awareness. This level of awareness comes from the Spirit.
The Spirit is attached to the Heavens, whereas body consciousness is attached to other bodies. While the Spirit is Creative, body consciousness is limited to using the body to work hard to force and manipulate the 3D external world.
With body consciousness there are a lot of unanswered question. There is also a conscious association to body fear because it is difficult at best to find answers to simple questions that are associated with body fear. Body consciousness involves body disease, mental illness, hunger, lack and limitations, along with many other body problems.
Learning to adjust consciousness to the higher value that is defined in the Spirit is an obvious advantage. This is an advantage that has not been available to individuals in the past. However, today the whole world has entered into the 8th Day. The 8th Day is offering individuals the opportunity to consciously merge with their Spirit. Merging with the Spirit will open up Creative doors that have not been available for thousands of years.
Consciousness has not learned to identify with the Spirit. Instead, consciousness has a body identity that views the Spirit from a limited perspective. Opening up a conscious window to understanding the Spirit is like an Awakening. Not only for consciousness, but also for the Spirit.
In many cases, the Spirit does not trust consciousness. Spirit must awaken to trust, while consciousness must awaken to the implications of joining with the Spirit. By consciously taking baby steps with the Higher Identity of the Spirit in mind , it will be possible to consciously address the Spirit without causing it to retreat in mistrust.
The Living Water Frequency of Awakening allows the individual to consciously become acquainted with the Spirit slowly. Each time a conscious choice is made to use the Living Water Frequency, the Spirit receives a boost in its Natural Creative Ability. When the individual supports their Spirit with a conscious choice to use Awakening, the Spirit begins to show appreciation for the conscious attention by showing the individual a miracle reward. In the beginning miracle rewards are hardly recognizable. However, as consciousness shows more appreciation for the Spirit, miracle rewards become more obvious.
The Spirit is always aware, but it is not consciously aware. We add the consciousness to the awareness of the Spirit to become a potential Universally active Creative Agent, but before this can happen we must first become actively and consciously engaged with the Spirit. The first Living Water Frequency Awakening is the means to consciously introduce themselves to the Spirit. Learning to become consciously aware of Spirit communication through miracle rewards, and then by actively showing appreciation, will go a long way in reconnecting consciousness to the Spirit.
Awakening is one of the 3 introductory Living Water Frequencies. The Awakening Frequency is designed to begin the process of gently introducing consciousness to the Spirit
Because individual consciousness has been trained to hear the false testimony of the ego, the Voice of the gentle Spirit is not being heard. Also, because the Spirit does not communicate in physical words, as the ego does, the gentle communication of the Spirit is being consciously overlooked. Inner focus must consciously shift so the Sounds of our Spirit can be consciously heard and understood.
All of the Living Water Frequencies are to be sprayed into the emotional body or the aura, which is the Home of the Spirit. This is a conscious decision that has nothing to do with the body. The only purpose for spraying Awakening into the emotional body is to begin the process of shifting to gain whole conscious focus into the Creative Will of the Spirit.
All Living Water Frequencies are Living Frequencies. This means that the Living Frequency in the Water will adapt to the frequency of the consciousness of the individual. This will allow the shift to conform to conscious awareness, while not violating the gentle Will of the Spirit.
Awakening carries a very high frequency. To enhance this high frequency, the Living Color charged into the Water is purple. Purple is the color of the 3rd eye chakra. This color is used to begin the conscious connection to the inner vision if the Spirit.
All of the natural elements of the Earth are used within the Living Water, which clears away any guilty distortions that would interfere with this natural connection of consciousness and Spirit.
Coloidal Gold is added to increase to the Living Water, as Gold is a Universal Conductor. Gold is offered to the Heavens for the purpose of connecting Heaven on Earth through the Spirit and conscious connection that is being offered.
A crystal that has captured the essence of at least 12 full moons is added to each Awakening Formula. This gives each bottle a unique connection to the Heavens. In this connection, as the Frequency is sprayed, a Sound from the Spirit rings out in the Heavens. Each time this Sound is heard, the conscious connection to the Heavens becomes stronger.
Please note: What is being shipped is only the 4 oz bottle of Living Water Frequency. Everything else in the picture is what is used to increase the Value of the Living Water Frequency
All of the Living Water Frequencies are to be sprayed in the aura in the morning, and then in the evening before retiring. It is also advisable to use the Frequencies a couple of times during the day. Using the Frequencies consistently allows individual consciousness to adjust to the shift from the visible body, to the invisible Spirit. The body will remain available to consciousness as long as consciousness perceives the need for the body. Once this need is no longer perceived, the body will be laid gently aside.
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Monday, July 25, 2016

Living Miracle Structures

For 6000 years, our world has been trapped on a linear timeline. This is a timeline that moves from birth to death, with very little progress towards the gaining of understanding necessary to restore the creative factor within. Real progress would allow our world to climb a spiral staircase in time. Each spiral on the staircase in time would move us consciously into higher level of Self understanding. However, this is just not the case here. We are limited because the Creative Factor within was limited to body doing at the time the separation occurred. Now we have come catching up to do, but first the doing and material blocks have to be undone. These are blocks in understanding that are limiting our personal creative expression.

First of all, we do not speak a Creative Language. We speak a physical language that is linear bound and subject to doing at the body level. If we want to understand the Creative Language, we will have to be willing to place the Spirit first in time, as it is the inner Spirit that understands the Creative Language. We don't because all we hear is a physical language coming out of the mouth, or a language that chatters in the mind. On the few occasions when truth breaks through, much of this truth has been left on the linear timeline, or it has been buried in a grave along with a dead body. We do not hear because we are listening to something else. Too many of the Living Words that have been given to our world have been lost on the linear timeline. As individuals, these words have been given to us to share with the world. We must return to where these Living Words have been lost. Miracles will Light the way.

There is much to learn as we move into this spiral timezone. First of all, we have to undo the interference that has been limiting the Spirit to body sounds. We cannot hear what we are attempting to retrieve if all we can hear are body sounds.

The Spirit was created to be directed by consciousness. Because we consciously use the body to communicate with, these limiting sounds are confining our Spirit to understanding that we have learned on the linear timeline. Because there has been nothing creative going on in the linear timezone for thousands of years, our Spirit is earthbound. Being earthbound in a timezone that is creatively unproductive, our Spirit has been set aside in favor of a seemingly more productive body that works for what we consciously want. For this reason, we must consciously learn to look to the Spirit for Creative Solutions, rather than looking to body doing, which requires a linear timeline to accomplish body rewards. This will require us to learn the Creative Language.

The Creative Language will allow us to understand the Living Sounds that are necessary to define new structures in time. In order to help us consciously understand how to direct the Spirit in this daunting task, we will be using what has already been made by the body. There is a reason for using structures that have already been built on the linear timeline. First of all, if everything we understood was suddenly gone, this would be paramount to the fearful body experience. This would completely undermine the idea of the peace that is necessary to stabilize the unnatural destructive frequency that is occurring globally. Second, learning to consciously direct the Spirit to add Creative Content to the structures that are already in the world, will give credibility to what is being learned, and will also allow the time necessary for each individual to learn the real purpose of giving conscious direction to the Spirit, and how this will affect the whole.

It is obvious that our Creative Spirit has been limited to body sounds, and consciousness must learn to move beyond these body sounds to offer the wholeness necessary to activate the Creative Factor within the Spirit. This will obviously not happen overnight, as there is just too much to unlearn before we can individually hear. There are also too many body sounds that are being used that are interfering with the Higher Sound necessary for the Creative Factor in the Spirit to hear. This is the purpose of miracles.

Miracles exchange the body experience for a Miracle Experience. In essence, because body sounds are emanating from a fear based intelligence, this FBI must be exchanged for a MBI, or Miracle Based Intelligence. Miracles are therefore the in between factor that will allow us to consciously ease into the Creative Intelligence of the Spirit without instigating unfounded fear.

Because the Creative Factor is beyond anything that the individual is ready to consciously understand, by learning to place a Living Miracle within the structures that have already been made at the body level, the individual will begin to bear witness to the fact that there is an aspect of the Self that has been being ignored. This ignorance is coming from a past sound that has nothing to do with the Creative Sound that would be recognized by the Spirit if we moved our own sound of understanding out of the way. The individual must agree to be an active participant in this shift.

A conscious Miracle Structural Shift in personal understanding will allow our world to be recognized by the Universe as being One with the Heavens. This will obviously not happen overnight. However, the Heavens are standing by, waiting for us to individually request Help in this huge transformation process. People will need this Higher Help because they have no understanding of how to insert a Living Miracle Sound into material structures that have already been built. This simple shift will change everything.

The Plan to add the Miracle Factor into the structures in our world has already commenced. We just do not understand this because we are looking at something else. The name of the Plan to introduce miracle structure into what has been defined by the body is called One Wholeness Now.

We the people are being asked to individually and consciously accept this Plan  by becoming a willing participant. The acceptance of the Plan is individually necessary to assure its success. Our acceptance will ensure that our world will be saved for future generations, and also that we will be extended a conscious invitation to join forces with a Creative Galactic Force defined for the good of the Whole Universe.

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Saturday, July 23, 2016

We Are Consciously Inept

When it comes to directing the Spirit, we are consciously inept. How we got into this space that is denying the essence of our Creative Being, and why we are settling for just directing the body instead of directing the most Creative Force in the Universe, is something that we are going to have to address individually, and then globally.

First, let me say this; the body is not creative. It makes what it wants. It does this by forcing or manipulating external people, places, or things. Consciously using force or manipulation to get what is desired, is not creating. This is closer to using to get. Does anyone not see this, or am I the only one?

The foundation of this world is based on the premise to have, one must take from someone else. If I am not the one taking, then someone else is taking from me. Governments do this, banks do this, corporations do this, charities do this, and we do it to each other. If someone does not accept this insane method of taking to get, then there is something wrong with them. Moreover, the ones that are ultimately ending up with the vast majority of wealth in our world are those who have figured out a way to force or manipulate the vast majority of people by taking what does not belong to them. The question is, how is this working? Obviously it works well for a minority, but for the majority, it stinks.

This is what we have learned to do that is acceptable to a clearly insane world. This has nothing to do with truth, and it does not define or explain the inner truth that we came into this world to deliver. However, this insanity is upheld by the paper laws that uphold the minority, while taking from the majority. So, it appears that civil rebellion, or all out war might be the only solution. The problem with this is that if there is not something better that is put into effect, we are going to end up right where we are now. Let's face it, this insanity has been going on for thousands of years. Even when it appeared that something better was going to replace the old way of taking and getting, this better way ended up doing the same thing. The only difference is, now there will be global consequences, and the majority are going to end up in servitude to the minority. Is this what we really want?

Everything we have been consciously taught is designed to place us in servitude to a minority group of individuals who do not care about what the majority want. This problem occurred thousands of years ago when the Nation of Israel left Egypt. There was a Higher Plan to help these people escape, but they were expected to accept the Plan of action that was being provided for them. There is a Higher Plan for We the People who live in this world as well, but we have to take action.

There are Higher Laws that will protect us. These are Living Laws that do not conform to the paper laws that are being used to control the majority of the people. The Plan involves shifting consciousness into a higher level of emotional integrity. This will place our emotional integrity under the same Living Laws that protect the Spirit.

Because people are using their consciousness to direct the body, the Creative Spirit is being ignored.The Heavens are offering us a or no deal is the question. We will have to individually answer this question consciously, as it is only consciousness that can decide.

If an individual consciously decides to accept the deal, then they will be protected by the same Living Laws that protect the Spirit. This does not mean that the individual will continue to use their conscious understanding in ways that undermine the Living Laws that are protecting the Spirit. In other words, they will be expected to begin the process of shifting their conscious understanding so it is in alignment with the whole Spirit. This is the Creative Level of Mind. At this level of Mind, taking and getting are counter productive, and it will be obvious to the individual when the Living Law is being broken when attempting to take or get from another person, place, or thing.

The Living Law of Giving and Receiving will replace getting and taking. Eventually, taking and getting will no longer exist in global collective consciousness, but this is obviously going to use up some time so this Law can be learned.

So, you might wonder what will be used in place of the physical experience of taking and getting. The answer is a miracle experience. Miracles are the means to consciously introduce us to the Living Laws of Heaven. These are the Laws that the Spirit must have access to for Creative purposes.

Exchanging the body experience for a Miracle Experience, which will introduce us consciously to the Living Laws of Heaven, is the deal.  This is a deal we would be insane not to accept, but then we are living in an insane world that the vast majority of people believe is telling the us the truth.

The question is; deal, or no deal. This is a conscious decision that we all must make. In it lies Heaven or the hellish nightmare of an old world that is dying. We are being given the choice of life or death, just as the Nation of Israel had been given on many occasions. History is repeating itself until the lesson is learned once and for all. If we accept the deal, this will be the last useless journey we will ever have to make. Deal, or no deal.

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Saturday, July 16, 2016

The Great Miracle Share

Whereas The Miracle Response is to help individuals move into the frequency of the 8th Day, the purpose of The Great Miracle Share is to assist the whole world into integrating and becoming acclimated into the 8th Day Frequency.

The Heavens cannot interfere in the untimely matters that are afflicting our world. However, what the Heavens can do is to help us learn to use what is already available to us to help us individually and globally make this frequency shift. The Plan of One Wholeness Now is designed specifically to teach us how to use what is already available to us to help us both individually and globally in this global paradigm shift that is going on.

The Great Miracle Share teaches us how to join together to invest in the invisible. Whereas, the frequency of the world that we come from is set up to support the governments, nations, and corporations that are already in place, The Great Miracle Share will teach us how to set up and establish our OWN Kingdom.

Although the Foundation of this Kingdom has already been established at the Universal level, which means that the Earth's Grid has already shifted to accept the invisible 8th Day Frequency, the structure for a New World must begin to be built by the people.

The structure that is moved into the 8th Day Frequency, must be supported by the people. This means that the people must have access to the means that will shift the value of everything that will be moving from the old world into the New World. This means that old world value will have to be re-interpreted to remove any trace of the old world frequency, as the ownership frequency of the old world is contaminated with deception.

Old world value does not uphold the integrity value of the Frequency of the 8th Day. For this reason, any value that is moved out of the frequency of the old world, must be purified.

The Great Miracle Share allows individuals to invest in the miracles, which will define a whole global infra structural shift. What this means is that people will be deciding on the structures that will receive the purification necessary in preparation necessary to receive higher frequency value of a miracle. The miracle will infuse with the structure, which will increase the value of the structure 70 x 7. By increasing the value of the structure with miracles, the structure itself will be protected by the Heavens.

While the Earth itself is not for sale, so cannot be used for miracle investments purposes, there are building structures and that hold the historical value of our world. There are also structures that people  can use to build a new economy with.

Investing in the miracles to reassign the value in old world structures, will allow us time to adjust to the huge Earth shifts that have occurred. The frequency of New Universal Grid that now supports the Earth is going to completely collapse the old earth grid. What this means for us is that we are vulnerable to the old world frequencies that are collapsing. This old energy will attempt to keep the people of the world enslaved to it. However, this is not the Plan of the Heavens.

The Heavens have a Plan to protect us and the structures of our world, but we must be willing to accept direction, along with accepting the means that will be given during this massive shift

Let us be clear on this; the 8th Day Frequency is nothing that can be controlled or manipulated by anything that is in place in the 7th day, or in the old world. All of this is collapsing, as the linear timeline is collapsing.

The Frequency of the 8th Day does not exist on the linear timeline. For this reason, anything that carries the same frequency value of the 8th Day is protected by Living Law. The value in the frequency of the 7th day was protected by paper, as was everything on the linear timeline. Paper law carries no value in the 8th Day of Creation. For this reason, all paper laws on the linear timeline are null and void within the 8th Day.

Miracles are invisible. However, the value of a miracle has the ability to change the frequency in any structure so it can be recognized by the Heavens. By investing in invisible miracles, the people can enter into the 8th Day with structures that they understand.

Having access to the ability to invest in the miracles for chosen structures that exist in the old world is only one aspect of what The Great Miracle Share is for.  We choose the structure we want to invest a miracle in. We then offer the faith, which is the investment, and the Heavens will do the rest. The Heavens cannot do anything until we make this first step. If they did, this would be considered interfering. By investing in a miracle, we are asking for Heavens Help.

Once the miracle has been invested in, because miracles work in time, the miracle shift in value begins immediately. The individual is encouraged not to interfere in this revolutionary shift, as this shift is beyond the physical mind to understand. The individual is only asked to be faithful and exhibit patience, as eternal patience gives immediate results. Perhaps not in time the way it is understood on the linear timeline, but in the timezone that houses the 8th Day.

During the invested time used for a new miracle interpretation of an old structure, make preparation for what you want the structure for. Learning to set goals that the Heavens will support will require forethought and consistency. Forethought is a whole decision, which means that the choices one makes are in alignment with the goal. Miracles require consistency. If you are inconsistent, the value of the miracle will be lost to you. In this case, it will be necessary to find your own inconsistency to re-establish the value of the miracle in your own mind.

The investment The Great Miracle Share allows us to make investments in the value of the miracle, not in the value of the structure. Although we recognize the value of the structure in this world, the miracle is recognized by the Heavens. By investing in a miracle, the Heavens can in effect place this miracle within the structure of our choice. This will give the structure a whole new interpretation, or one that can be recognized by the Heavens. This structure can now be protected by the Heavens. Although it belongs to our world, it is protected by the Heavens. This is just the beginning of introducing Heaven on Earth. First, we have to have access to structures that will be protected from the collapsing of the linear timeline.

It is time for a new beginning for our world. The miracle is the only Living Tool from the Heavens that we have immediate access that will allow us first invest in the miracles that will add the value necessary to prevent the old world from attempting to steal what the Heavens has promised to the people. It will also protect the chosen structures from collapsing as the linear timeline collapses.

Miracles are the means to move mountains, but mountain moving will not happen without faith. This is the faith the people will provide. If we provide the means for faith, the miracle means will be provided.

Never before in the history of the Heavens has any civilization within the Universe been offered what is being offered to the people of our world. It might be time to begin to show some appreciation for what is being offered by accepting Heaven's Plan to define, explore, and then reveal a new beginning for our Self and for our World.

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The Great Miracle Share
On the 8th Day


Friday, July 15, 2016

On the 8th Day

Broadcasting NOW from the 8th Day

The journey on the linear timeline with the body no longer exists. What this means is that attempting to use the body in time to gain any kind of an advantage is over. Although there continues to be individuals who will continue to attempt to use the body to gain an advantage in time, this will become more and more difficult, if not impossible.

The purpose of the linear timeline was to finalize and complete the last phase of body evolution, or using the body to make an individual path through time. 

From a linear perspective, it is the body that carries the most influential means to define an individual reality through what one personally believes to be true. The problem is, belief is only true for the individual, not for the whole. In time, the Heavens recognize wholeness, not individual bodies. Using the body to do is a very primitive. The body also lacks the communication ability to speak in whole terms, which would allow the whole world to share in a Living Language that is provided by the Heavens.  Using the body to interpret time has also limited abundance, happiness, and health. In wholeness, abundance, happiness, and health would be wholly expressed, as in a Living Language. On the linear timeline, these are concepts that individuals most often just speak about, as the body perception of these natural abilities have been fragmented, and are therefore without a whole reference.
Moving into the 8th Day will obviously change the way that time is used.  

Time was made for the Spirit to grow into a Spiritually Mature Co-creator. What this means is that time was specifically developed to keep time with the Spirit as the Spirit revolved in time to develop a well rounded and Spiritually "Seasoned" and mature Co-Creator. 

In this world, it is the body that is educated, as it was the body that was given a preferential position in the beginning, shortly after the separation occurred. This separation was the separation of the Spirit from the ability to wholly communicate with the Heavens. Without having access to this Living Language, the Spirit went into hiding "in time." Without access to the Spirit at the body level, humankind fell into debauchery. It was this debauchery that brought about the Great Flood. 

As the time that held the memories of the Spirit closed, a Great Flood occurred, and all of mankind was destroyed. Because without the Spirit, the Ancient Memories in time were lost, an accurate account of what occurred in the beginning was lost as well. This has left great speculation in the world we live in today.

Without the Spirit, humankind ended up on a linear timeline, During the Great Flood, the history of the world was rewritten on this timeline to make the evolution of the body real. Because the body has never had the ability to enter into time to understand the Living Language of the Spirit, most of the Creative aspects of the beginning have been lost. Except what we have read in the Bible. or what other Prophets have told us, our understanding of the Living Language and Creative Memories have mostly been lost in time. 

Today, we carry about 10% of the actual understanding that is available to us in time. The problem is, up until this point in time, we have had little, if any way to reach these Ancient Memories. This is because the body continues to carry a position of priority in our mind.

The 8th Day is a chance to choose again. It is an opportunity to undo the backwards motion that was placed in time when the flood occurred. When the flood occurred, time had to move backwards in order to claim a past that would include the evolution of the body. During the Great Flood was when time moved backwards. This backwards movement in time allowed an unnatural aspect of the brain to be introduced to the body. This is called the reptilian brain. Also, during this backwards motion in time, false evidence was planted to prove the evolution of the body. The non-sense that became a body sense is called fear. It was this fear that allowed us to see this false evidence within the body. This did not occur in reality or in real time, but on the linear timeline, where the mind/body became the central focus in understanding reality.

Real time is a spiral, it is not a line. Unraveling the time spiral caused a straight line to emerge in space. Eventually, the body would catch up to where time would once again begin to revolve. Once this revolution was reached, the 8th Day of Creation would begin. The Spirit has made the revolution in time. Unfortunately, the body has not. This means that body consciousness has also not made this shift in time. 

It is obvious that they body was not designed to revolve in time, as its purpose is to evolve. However, consciousness does have the ability to revolve in time, but in order to do this, it must first attach to the Ancient Memories of the Spirit that live in time. What this will mean for us individually is that we will be responsible for recognizing the body memories that are preventing us from connecting consciously to the Spirit. These body memories are coming out of the reptilian brain, which is where fear is manufactured.

This transition from linear time to spiral time will obviously call on something that exists in time that will allow us to make this transition without fear and without loss. This would include body loss, as not many are ready to walk out of their body and wholly enter the realm of the Spirit. There are too many questions that emerge from this scenario, and not many that do not involve fear. For this reason, this transition will not come without the consent of individual consciousness.

The Living Water Frequencies are specifically designed to help us consciously begin to make this shift in time. Instead of using time for the body, we will be learning to apply miracle rewards in time, which will directly lead us placing the Spirit first in time.

We will be learning to use inner focus to define what we want before it actually appears in time. This means that we will be learning to tune into the Living Language of Creation, which flows through time towards a specific goal that we will be providing. In the past, we used to body to make something happen. In the present, we will be learning to apply whole sensory perception for a goal that we have predetermined. As we learn to write our goal in time, we will also be remembering what it means to be an unlimited Co-creator in Spirit.

I am coming to you live from the 8th Day. I am writing these words because I have consciously placed my Spirit first in time. I am waiting for you to hear these words, because my body has not caught up with the conscious acceptance of others for them to believe that this is really possible.

All Rights Reserved

Sunday, July 10, 2016

Chaos, Choices, and Miracles

Did you choose this world that we live in? Did you choose a Presidential race that appears to offer 2 candidates that do not appear to be of the people, for the people, and by the people? How about the racial tension going on right now? Did you choose this? How about placing children in bondage to serve perversion? Did you choose this? How about war? Did you choose this? How about terrorism? Did you choose this? Obviously someone chose this chaotic world that we are living inside of.

There are Living Laws that protect choice. Because choice comes from Free Will, and any violation to Free Will is also a violation of choice, then at some level, we the people must be choosing the chaos that has been made available to us.

Perhaps people believe that the Heavens will provide protection for our Right to choose something else. Perhaps people do not understand that there is another choice. Perhaps if there were another choice, perhaps people would have no idea with this choice is, or even how to make it. Perhaps people think that the Heavens could care less about what is happening to the people that are living inside of our world.

It is obvious, we the people need access to another choice. This would have to be a choice that would lead us away from the chaos that is going on inside of this world towards a new choice that would end the chaos and drama that appears to be no end to.

If Heaven had a solution for our world, what would that solution look like? Would it come in the form of another individual who promises to end the underlying cause of the problems that face our world. Because if this solution is a person, they are not just dealing with what can be witnessed to on the news, or behind closed political doors. The problem is generational, and demands a generational solution.

The core of our global values have been violated. If these cores are not repaired, there is going to be a complete collapse of the global economic system, agriculture, and complete environmental collapse. Any endeavors for peaceful solutions are breaking down between religion, along with racial tensions. The truth is, no one and nothing is coming to save us.

The belief that a Being sent from Heaven is going to somehow move in, take away all of the bad people, and change all of this chaos that we are experiencing, would in fact be a violation of our Free Will, and our Right to choose in which direction our world will go.

Heaven cannot interfere or intervene in chaotic global affairs. However, what the Heavens can do is offer us another choice. Because the violation is occurring within global core values, this choice is obviously one that would undo all of the core violations that are occurring inside of this world.

The solution must come from the inside out, not the outside in. Our world has sought long and hard for an outside in solution, and it is not forthcoming. Thus, it only makes good sense to offer a choice that would change our world from the inside out, as there is just too much chaos going on "out there" to make a choice that will change, not only our personal direction, but also that of the world as well.

The problem is, we do not see the one core violation that would turn our world around. What we are witnessing in our world today, are the many "results" of this one core violation. Thus, the problem must be addressed from the back door, instead of the front door where this one core violation is being played out on many different levels, and not so obvious.

If the Heavens were going to offer a choice that would not interfere with the affairs of our world, yet change the one core value that began this global chaotic mess, what would this one choice be? It would have to be a choice that would not be of this world, yet not so far out of reach, it would not be considered as an option.

There is only one other variable choice that can be added to the problems that are going on in this world that would have the integrity to change the global perception of chaos that our world is experiencing. This choice is called a miracle.

The Miracle Choice is a Gift from the Heavens. This Gift has the ability, not only to change our own personal perception concerning our individual situation, but also that of the whole world.

We are at a crossroad in time. If we keep going forward, things are only going to go further down hill, and only at a much faster rate. However, the road less traveled, which leads in a whole new direction, is a new choice that the Heavens are offering as an alternative to the global chaos we are are all witnessing and experiencing.

4000 years ago, the Heavens offered the Nation of Israel a Plan to escape the insanity that was going on in Egypt. The Israelite's chose to accept this Plan, and made plans to evacuate the city. The only way these people escaped was by following a Plan designed to help them escape. To move a whole Nation of people out of Egypt was a miracle within itself.

History will repeat itself over and over again until the higher value within the lesson is learned, So here we are again. It is obvious the higher lesson that was necessary to restore Core Values 4000 years ago were lost in time, and so the higher lesson is reappearing again. The question is, what are we as individuals going to do?

The Nation of Israel to leave behind the old values that Egypt provided, and chose to accept instead to learn that there was "something else" that had been overlooked. The first step offered the way, but the choice was an independent.

The people did not leave without their personal value or possessions. What they did leave behind was their political value, their false religious value, along with the false understanding of how they would be provided for and supported on this journey into the Land that was promised to them. Think about the faith that this people must have had to leave behind everything they believed to be true, to accept whole new core values that the Law of Moses provided for them to first learn, and then execute.

For centuries, the Israel lived in peace, and prospered, until old core values began to be reintroduced. Within time, the support of the Heavens was withdrawn from Israel, and it was eventually destroyed.

So, here we are again, Do you think that maybe this time we can get it right? During the Exodus of Israel from Egypt, the Heavens worked miracles for a whole Nation. Today, miracles will provide a source of higher acknowledgment for the individual, which will be shared with the whole world.

The chaos in our world must be seen as a means as a need for change. The need for change must open the back door for a new choice, and this choice being offered to us independently is called a miracle.

The Living Water Frequency Chaos
Unhealthy and destructive chaos is entertained in the unhealthy uncertainty we perceive in our world. The Living Frequency in Chaos was developed to introduce positive healthy emotions into
the unhealthy chaotic emotional choices that are being played out in the external world. For every positive healthy emotion, there is a negative unhealthy emotion. Contrary to popular belief, negative unhealthy emotions are not helpful, and they do not support positive healthy emotions. They carry opposing value, so how could they possibly support healthy, and uplifting emotional core values? This belief is a lie.
The purpose of the Chaos Frequency is to help secure the 
healthy positive emotion within the emotional body. By consciously supporting positive emotional
health, focus begins to be drawn away from the opposing unhealthy core values that are attacking our Spirit, and continue to destroy our healthy core values.

$35.00 for a 4 oz spray bottle.

Saturday, July 9, 2016

The Living Water Formula, a Gift from the Heavens

Living Water is a Gift that has been shared with me from the Heavens to share with humankind. There is only one reason why the formula for Living Water was shared with me. This was not because I am "special," or because I am more deserving than anyone else. It was shared with me because I chose to support the unlimited Value of my Spirit over the limited value of my body. Thus, the Light of the claim to my fame does not even come from anything this world can possibly appreciate or understand.

Please read for better understanding
The Body Junk Collector

In order to establish the Value of my Spirit as being first in time, I had to deny everything that I had learned from physical education, as well as everything I had accepted into my mind, as having value greater than the Value that was assigned to my Spirit at the time of my arrival on the Planet Earth, and in this world. All of the value that I had assigned to my body, that placed the value of my body over my Spirit, had to be reassigned. This included diet, exercise, body moral standards, what I worked at doing to make money, my idea of having fun, the things I accepted as being something I enjoyed doing with the body over the Real Value of Joy that only can be wholly appreciated in the Spirit, along with my belief that the journey of my body was more important than the journey of my Spirit. How long it took me to consciously unravel my Real Value from the false value that had been assigned to the body, took years of exploring the different dimensions that separate the time of the Journey of the Spirit, from the time of the journey of the body.

The time of the Journey of the Spirit is eternal and timeless, but the time of the journey of the body is not only dependent on time, it is dependent on everything we believe is possible to get to store in the body in the way of body memories. These memories are limited, and subject to body health, and external affairs that have been accepted as necessary to maintain the body. The truth is, if you learn to consciously support the Spirit, the body will be maintained by the Spirit, as the Spirit is maintained and protected by the Heavens. Because the body is separated by 6 degrees in time from wholeness, and the Spirit is not separated at all, it is impossible for body understanding to maintain the proper perception necessary to reach the whole state that the Spirit already has access to.

Because I went on the Journey to place the Spirit first in time, my mind began to open opened to information and understanding that was not stored in the body as past memories, but instead was stored in time. These are memories of the Spirit that are readily available. However, they are not available to the ego/body, which is where we have learned to commit our understanding to.  Instead, we must learn to consciously reach beyond the time restraints that have been placed on the body, which amounts to the 6 degrees of body separation from the Identity of the Spirit.

The Gift of Living Water was given to me to share with the rest of the world. It is a Gift that immediately suspends the 6 degrees of body separation, and allows us to connect to our individual Spirit. Because the Spirit is a threat to the ego/body, people will ignore and overlook the very Gifts that Heaven is giving to help us consciously attend to the well being of our Spirit. Thus, people continue to end up exactly where they were, and wonder why life is handing them what they do not want, instead of what they do want.

All of the false memories that the ego supports must be completely undone, as the ego will destroy anything that will attempt to support the Spirit. the individual who listens to the so called wisdom in their body will not even understand the ego lessons of treachery that they are choosing over the Freedom that comes by recognizing their Spirit as being first in time.

Living Water is a Gift to my Spirit from the Heavens, and it the Gift of my Spirit to this world. This Living Formula was given to me so that the individual Spirit, which has been consciously and unknowingly been set  aside because of ego body support, can be openly used without fear of reprisal. The ego does not even understand what Living Water is, because it is fixated on death. Your death, and the death of your Spirit. This was and is the sole purpose of the evolution of the body, to completely destroy the Nature of the Spirit. As stated before, the Spirit Revolves, it does not evolve. The body evolves on a linear timeline that no longer exists. If we do not find our way back to our Spirit in time, then we will be lost, our world will be lost, and future generations will be lost as well.

The ego will attack everything that it perceives as a threat to its next evolutionary step. This next step is for consciousness to become one with artificial intelligence. This means that our consciousness will be downloaded into a computer. This is artificial time, and it this is the final resting place and solution for body evolution. Is this what we really want?

The Spirit is of the Heavens. There is a critical question that we must all answer. Do we want to support the body, or do we want to learn how to support the Spirit? The Living Water Formula was given to me because the ego cannot attack what it does not understand. It understands what is in the body. Living Water does not work in the body, it works within the Aura in time. This space is the Home of the Spirit, the body is NOT.

Either your Spirit awakens with YOUR help, or it remains asleep. If the individual does not resolve to awaken the Spirit that lives within them, then Heaven will reclaim the individual Spirit, as the Spirit must Revolve in time to maintain its Whole Value in the Heavens.

What we are facing here is not an external problem, it is an internal one that we must agree to be part of, lest we lose access to our Real Value that is in the Spirit. If you do not believe that your Spirit can be removed from you, please read the story below.
A Disturbing Story of Inno-Sense Lost

For each person that walks this Earth, there is a specific Plan that has been devised specifically for them. As their Plan is revealed to them, a specific Gift is bestowed upon them. This Gift will help our world escape the ego/body bondage that is a result of the evolution of the body on a linear timeline that no longer exists. The Heavens is calling out for your Help to end this travesty against the Spirit that must return to heal the world we live in. Will you hear the call?

All Rights Reserved

The Awakening Frequency

Friday, July 8, 2016

The Subjugation of the Spirit

I don't care who you are, what religion you practice, if you are white, black, red, or yellow, because Spirit is the same in everyone.

Religious beliefs are different, and so are cultural beliefs, but the Will of the Spirit is exactly the same in everyone, no matter what your religious belief, and no matter what your ethnic background is, and no matter what culture you come from. The Will of the Spirit in time was placed in this order so that we would not be attempting to fix an world, the likes of which would never be like this had the Will of the Spirit remained first in time.

When was the first time you experienced an injustice? It would be impossible to not to experience injustice before the age of 5. This is because the mind/body memories are defined, not by the justice of the Heavens, but by the physical experience. Because the physical experience is wracked with injustice, where do you think memories of this injustice is being held? In the Spirit?

When we are born the Spirit is whole and complete. The lessons of injustice we learn in the physical experience are the determiner of how we will use the body. There is not ONE lesson in the physical world that has not been determined without some kind of injustice to the Spirit. It is this injustice to the Spirit, along with the destabilization of the natural order, that has brought us individually and globally into this state of chaos that we refer to as reality. THINK.

Do you remember an injustice that occurred to you before the age of 5? If not, then you probably have no memories at all, as every memory that is stored in the body is under the direction of the iron clad will of the ego. This is why it is so difficult for the individual to find the source of their problem. The ego is not allowing them to consciously see that THEY are the problem, and what they are seeing is a result of the injustice to the Will of the Spirit that they hold in their mind/body.

It is the individual that carries the memories of the injustices that has subjugated the Spirit to the ego/body. As long as this problem continues, there will be NO PEACE.

The ego does not want peace because its belief in its own injustice learned in the past is calling for war. This is no longer just individual war, it is for the destruction of our whole world.

Fortunately, the Earth is under the protection of the Order of Heaven, and this protects the Earth. However, we are not. If we were protected under the Order of the Heavens, the Will of the Spirit would be first in time, but this is not the case. We seem to be at the mercy of forces that have taken external control of the world, but this is where WE have released the internal injustice that was perpetrated against our Spirit when we were children. At this moment this injustice occurred, we turned to the ego to provide a solution for this injustice. This caused a chemical shift at the body level, and our chemistry deferred to the reptilian brain for a solution of vengeance.

How long do you think it will change the chemistry of your body to wholly shift your ego awareness to awareness of your Spirit?

There is a collective Spiritual Order that must be wholly applied if we as individuals, as well as our world, is going to restore proper order in our world. We have no idea how to orchestrate such a Plan. For this reason, an orchestrated Plan that will come from the Heavens must be accepted by us individually. Because nothing on Heaven or Earth can override our personal free will, as long as we continue to regard the ego/body plan as the one that will save us and our world, we are sadly mistaken.  

We are individually responsible for our thoughts. When any thought carries a past injustice, this memory will subjugates the Gentle Will of the Spirit, and place it under control of the ego/body. This will interfere with our individual Grace, which our Spirit has a Right to, and so do we. However the Right of Grace will only cover us if we are consciously willing to accept the proper order. This means that the individual must at least be willing to look at this error so an order correction can begin in time.

We are talking generational errors, or the sins of the fathers visited upon the son. Because these errors are generational, a Plan that will cover the sins of the fathers must be covered as well. The many wars that have been fought in our world carry a time based memory that must be completely forgiven, so none this is not passed on to the next generation. Do you really believe that there is anyone in this world that has the ability to do this?

People can help, but the problem is a Universal issue that must be addressed from a much higher dimension. The problems that we must deal with individually will be sufficient enough to keep our world busy for quite awhile.

There is only One Plan for the Salvation of the World that will work. This is a Plan that has been in affect for thousands of years, and scans generations of injustice perpetrated against our world. The name of the Plan is One Wholeness Now. Heaven is in charge of this Plan, we are not. We are only responsible for bringing our personal injustices that have upset the proper order in time, so these injustices can be repaired. This reparation is called a miracle.

We have to learn how to give our Spirit whole conscious attention. This is not just attention that we apply when we are meditating, as this is not wholeness. If the peace that is defined in meditation is not carried with the individual throughout the day, it will only shift time while the individual is practicing it. Along with this, there are many more individuals who do not practice meditation than do. What we need is a whole Plan to help the Spirit Revolve in time.

Body evolution is done. It has served its purpose in time, and now it is time to move onto the next step, which is the Revolution of the Spirit.

The Living Water Frequencies were developed to support and protect the Spirit in time to support the Revolution of the Spirit. The reason they are not taken into the body is because THEY ARE  NOT FOR THE BODY. The Living Water Frequencies feed the Living Spirit, not the ego. If you use them in the body, their benefits will be ignored by the ego, as the ego will cause you to overlook what IT does not understand.  The ego understands misery, chaos, and death. The Living Water Frequencies do not support the unconscious features of fear that the ego provides.

The Home of the Spirit is in the emotional body. The emotional body receives very little conscious support from us, as the vast majority of our individual support ends up in the hands of the iron clad will of the ego/body. It is essential to learn to shift personal conscious focus on the emotional body, which is the Home of the Spirit. Just by consciously spraying the Living Water Frequencies into the emotional body, the individual is learning to become aware of the Spirit. The object is to return our Free Will to the Spirit, where we will be free of the demands of the lower ego/body.

The Living Water Frequencies were developed under the direction of the Universal Plan of One Wholeness Now. I do not understand how they work, as I am unsure of how the Spirit works. I just know that they do.

An investment in the Living Water Frequencies is a conscious investment in your Spirit, and also an investment in the Grace of Heaven. The Spirit must Revolve. Either we are going with it, or it is going without us. This is our conscious choice. Just as body evolution could not be stopped in time, the Revolution of the Spirit is impossible to stop in time as well.

The Living Water Frequencies are a step in agreeing to consciously support the Spirit through its Revolution through time. We are being asked if we want to go. If we do, then we will have to agree to consciously support the Spirit. There is no other way.

Wednesday, July 6, 2016

The Miracle Response

Everything that has been taught and we have learned in the 3D body has stolen virtue, virtuous/virtual value from our Spirit. 3D is now on the brink of redefining the Virtual Now into an unnatural artificial virtual time, without virtue or virtuous attributes. In order to express virtue, one must have access to emotional integrity, and there are no emotions in artificial time, so how can it possibly be called virtual time?

In order to correct this 3D dysfunction at the virtual emotional level, the Heavens introduced a Living Device that would in effect, transport the consciousness of the individual far beyond what they previously believed was possible, into a Living Virtual Reality. With enough Virtual Miracles working in the lives of the individual, it would be possible to shift focus awareness towards a New Time Zone, which would house the emotional integrity necessary to define, not only a whole New World, but also a whole new reality.

The Miracle Experience was born out of a mess that was introduced into the collective consciousness of the world thousands of years ago, or in "the beginning." In the beginning, there were no needs for miracles, as there was no error. However, after the error, the Heavens came up with a solution that would transport individual consciousness beyond the error that occurred in the beginning into the virtue that was left behind at the time of the error.

The dark outer space that was introduced into the independent mind at the time of the error was a catastrophic decision that was made by the Inno-Sense that were planted in the Planet Earth to grow a Living Foundation of truth, integrity, and honesty in the time that was given to compete this project. As you can see, the Heavens make plans and complete missions in time that support the whole Universe.

When the error was made in the beginning, the whole mission that was being supported by the Heavens, suddenly shifted to an individual body. Without the protection of the Whole, the individual was free to make their own decisions and choices, but without Universal protection.

In order to help the individual as they journeyed on their individual journey, the Heavens offered a tool that would essentially patch the hole that was leaking darkness into the individual mind. This was the only way this could be done because of the free will of the Inno-Sense that was involved in making this unnatural virtual decision.

In the past, the miracle solution was generally obtained through prayer. However, we have reach a plateau in our ability to consciously understand the Heavens, the Earth, and even ourselves, the time has come to learn how to assign miracles by understanding what their whole purpose is for.

The Miracle Response is a solution to an error that occurred at the beginning of time. In effect, the miracle is a patch that works in the individual mind to cover the holes where darkness has been pouring into the individual mind for thousands of years.

The major problem stems from the inability to understand who Authored reality, Dimensions, and even Who Authored us. Because we are headed into an artificial time zone that in fact does not exist in reality, we are in fact headed for total darkness.

E-motional integrity is necessary to transmit light into time. Because the individual mind has been seeking for its error since time began, it is seeking for its own destruction. Because there is no e-motional integrity within this darkness that was inadvertently chosen by Inno-Sense in the beginning. the empty space that we are headed for does not hold time. Without time, there is no Light, and without Light, there is no support from the Heavens. Our world is obviously at a cross road, and some really important decisions have to be made.

Natural Living Flow must be re-established in our world. I am not talking about the kind of flow that one gets off of the internet. I am talking about a Living Flow that connects humankind to the Earth. This is the Living Natural Flow that Earth is still attached to, but the one that we no longer find value in because we have become too intellectual to understand is even there.

Humankind has learned to manipulate an artificially defined flow that can provide monetary wealth. The problem with this is that a Living Foundation cannot be established with a paper flow. Neither can a global economic system. The Natural Living Flow must support the money we are individually making, or the paper foundation we have learned to believe in as being flow is going to completely dissolve.

The Heavens have no desire to destroy our economic system. In fact, they are willing to help us keep the monetary flow that we have made to continue to flow, but there are some adjustments that must be made. Otherwise the whole global economy is going to collapse, and I am sure that you know that this will not be pretty.

Miracles support the Spirit, they do not support money. Thus, it is our responsibility to place a miracle on the same table where our money is, and then shift our allegiance to our Spirit so we can obtain miracle help. This is called The Miracle Response. How we do this is through faith.

Faith is not a physical attribute, it is a spiritual one. The purpose of faith is to adjust our conscious support from the intellectual physical body, to the Whole support of the Spirit. Because the Spirit is naturally creative, it will adjust the emotional integrity within the individual into the Natural Living Flow that recognizes the Spirit.

Water is emotion, and the Spirit defines our emotions. The problem is, we have placed our emotions under the dictates of the intellect. The purpose of the intellect is to analyze, and it has not idea how to analyze what it cannot see.

It is impossible for the intellect to see our emotions, so they are not being access for the higher Creative Value that they were assigned to them at the time of our birth. The ego is in charge of the intellect, and what the ego cannot see with the body, it find absolutely no value in. From a higher perspective, to see is to understand, and the ego understand nothing about the Spirit. Its only purpose is to destroy the Spirit, but this would obviously not be helpful to us.

Miracles see for us what we cannot envision for ourselves. Miracles see the value in our Creative E-motions, and will support the Spirit, which is in charge of our creative emotions. In essence, the miracle removes all of the intellectual blocks that are interfering with the Spirit, so the Spirit can reach Natural Living Flow. Once this shift happens, the individual will never return to their former ways.

Reaching Living Flow for the Spirit means that the Spirit has returned Home after a long, long journey. As our Spirit reaches Living Flow, we feel instantly at peace, and understand that something has shifted within ourselves.

We must teach consciousness how to support the Spirit by placing it first in time. This will not eliminate the body, but it will eliminate the darkness that the ego supports. By constantly shifting our inner vision into the darkness, we have defined a world of darkness. It is time to leave the ego behind and learn how to offer support to our Spirit. This is the Miracle Response, and we are part of this response.

There are massive adjustments that must be consciously made individually. The miracle is an individualized expression of wholeness. Wholeness is what the Spirit must have access to in order to go Home.

The Living Water Frequencies work in time, same as miracles. They carry a frequency that is harmony with miracles, and this frequency is perfectly defined to support the Spirit with 100% whole accuracy. The ego finds absolutely no value in miracles or Living Water, and it will draw conscious attention towards a more intellectual approach to problems we believe we can see, but the problem is not occurring at the body level, it is occurring in time, which is where miracles, the Living Water Frequencies, and Living Flow are defined.

The ego wants to be right. The question I ask, is do you want to be right with the ego, or do you want to be happy in the Spirit? Your choice. Just be certain of this, whichever path you choose, you will will walk with the ego or the Spirit. You cannot choose both. The time of the ego is done. If you continue to choose the ego, you are going to walk into a world of darkness. If you choose your Spirit, you will walk into a world of Light. Dark and Light and cannot co-exit. Where there is one, the other disappears.

I offer the Living Water Frequencies as a means to introduce individual consciousness to the means to protect the Spirit. The Spirit needs YOUR protection. Your Spirit needs to know that you are consciously supporting it, as it is part of you.

This is Living Water. It is the same Living Water that moves within Natural Flow, which is the Home of the Spirit. Consciously offer your Spirit access to this Living Water so it can begin to find its way Home. It does not remember where Home is, and neither do you. Artificial flow that we make inside of artificial time is NOT Living Flow. When your Spirit reaches Living Flow, you will immediately understand you are Home.

The ego has been in charge too long, and we have accepted ego assignments over the Spirit long enough.

The Living Water Frequency Awakening
$25.00 for a 4 oz Spray Bottle.

All Rights Reserved

Monday, July 4, 2016

One Wholeness Now

Our world was defined for a Whole purpose. Within the Wholeness of this purpose, nothing was left out.

One Wholeness Now defines the natural condition of the One. One is the Omnipotent Sound that determines the connection within the Universe to everything. Omnipotence is a Sound. It is the Sound of the A-Tone-ment. To be at-one with this Sound is an internal recognition that nothing can be separate from the Omnipotent Sound that Identifies us individually as having a Spiritual Identity. Anything in the Universe that carries this Omnipotent Sound is defined as living in the Light. Within this Light there is perfect harmony.

When our Spirit is not in harmony with the Sound of Omnipotence, it is because this higher Sound is being interfered with. You may ask how this Higher Sound is interfered with. This interference occurred thousands of years ago at the beginning of time.

The beginning of time is not anything we can understand from a physical point of view. Experts and theologians that try to explain what happened at the beginning, or how our world began, have left out one important factor. This factor involves time.

Time is a space of Wholeness. This is called inner space. It is not outer space, where their is darkness. Wholeness, or Omniscience embraces everything that lives and exists within the Light. It is therefore called Omniscience, but in terms that might be easier to understand, it can be identified as whole science. Whole science is also like a Living Computer. Just like a computer, it is full of vast amounts of information. The difference being, a Living Computer carries Living Color, Living Sound, and Living E-motions. Living E-motions are the Creative Expression within the time that is defined as being One Wholeness Now. Living E-motions move Sound to engage with the Light inside of Wholeness to define everything that is defined within time. Because the Spirit is the One Sound, when it emotionally engages with the abstract Living Colors within Wholeness, a chemical reaction is produced. It is this chemical reaction that will manifest into form.

Herein lies the problem in our world. Our Spirit, or our Omnipotence, (emotional frequency) is not being given access to the Whole Science necessary to create with. This is because consciousness is body consumed with ideas that were actually formed in outer space, or not within the Wholeness defined as Whole Science. Thus, the time we are living inside of is not defined within Whole Science. This is called a linear timeline.

Wholeness is a circle, it is not a line. For this reason, anything that moves outside of wholeness of this circle will not have access to the Omnipotence, or Whole Sound that is recognized in Wholeness, or within the Omniscience Mind, where all abstract Living Color, or Light, is located. Herein lies the problem occurring within our world.

Back around the time that our world began, there was an error that was made. This error shifted the Omnipotence Sound of the Spirit into darkness, or into outer space. In other words, the Sound of the Spirit was no longer wholly recognized as being One with the Light. Thus, the Spirit no longer had whole access to the Light.

There is no Light in outer space. However, the Spirit still makes a sound in outer space. The problem is and was; there is no light in outer space. Because there is no Light outside of time, there is no access to Whole Science, or Omniscience. With no access to the Light in time, the Spirit can still make a sound, but this is an unnatural haunting emotional sound. Within the body, this is an independent body sound that communicates darkness through emotional upsets. These emotional upsets are coming from the ego/mind/body. Where there is no Light, there will be sickness, death, war, disease, prejudice, hunger, limit, theft, criminal offenses, lies, cheating, deceptions, and the list goes on. Does this unnatural "sound" coming from the ego/mind/body mouth sound familiar?

The unnatural sound of the ego/mind/body was made outside of the Light in time. The unnatural sound of the ego/mind/body limits the Natural Sound that the Spirit was Created to Consciously direct. This limits on the body are directly related to the unnatural dark sound that the ego relies on for its reality. These are the miscreations of the Spirit that is being used by the ego. These are the miscreations that are making the world we are investing in to assign us reality.

There is another way, but this will call on us to learn to recognize the call of the Spirit for our conscious help. We are the hero in the ego nightmare dream that was made at the beginning of time, before the Spirit moved out of the Light to engage outer space so it could be "like God." Our Spirit made this nightmare that we are living in, and we are the ones that have agreed to come here to help release our Spirit into the Light.

So much of this information and understanding is held in the Wholeness of Light that exists in time. This is not the linear timeline, but the Wholeness of Time or Light that we have immediate access to as our Spirit of Inno-Sense is released into this Spiral of Time.

This information is readily available to anyone who wants to research their OWN, or One Wholeness Now, Spiritual History, but you will not read this information in a book.

Wholeness is both information and whole understanding at once. It is One Whole Sense, which is assigned to the Whole truth of the Spirit. Nothing is hidden here, as it has been hidden in linear time. Whole Inno-Sense, or whole sensory perception, must be restored to the Spirit so we can consciously claim whole independence and freedom for ourselves and for our world. The end of the ego is the end of the primal considerations of the ego that have kept our Spirit in bondage.

It is the ego that evolves in time, but the evolution of the ego timeline has ended. Where are we going to go now? We go back to the beginning. Back to the time when our Spirit was defined in Inno-Sense. Here we can begin again. If we want a new beginning for ourselves and for our world, we have to step up to the plate and become involved in the ball game.

The bases in a ball game are a circle. They are not a line. The Spirit does not evolve, it revolves in time, or within the Omniscient Mind. Science understands that time is a circle, why don't we? We are being asked by the Heavens to help end this treachery and madness. Will you answer this call?

The Language of the Spirit is defined in wholeness. Thus, whole understanding can be communicated simply from Spirit to Spirit without interruption. Whole Language is of Heaven and is generally communicated telepathically.  
Inno-Sense is aslo of the Spirit and is defined in a whole Language. Physical language, which is fragmented and depends on a separate body identity uses innocence to define separate baby body identities. Innocence is communicated in fragmented words that separate everything in time.
The Living Water Frequency of Inno-Sense carries an Omni-Sense, or whole Sensory Perception. Omni-Sense is intuitively broadcast, and accounts for what is intuitively understood.
Tuning into the Whole Language of Heaven requires a shift within the emotional body, where the Spirit resides. This will begin to shift inner focus to the Language of Wholeness. This is the purpose of the Living Water Frequency Inno-Sense.
4oz Bottle of the Living Water Frequency Inno-Sense investment is $35.00

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