Friday, September 9, 2016


We are all aware of the external world. It is within the external world that the 3D reality of the body is held and maintained.  However, this 3D reality is extremely inconsistent, and no one seems to understand what needs to be done to correct the instability and insanity that is going on inside of the 3D world. This is because the people who are living inside of this 3D insanity are consciously unaware of how their past is destroying the present.

The Creative level of mind exists at the unconscious level. The Creative level of mind involves the activation of the Spirit, or how we use our individual awareness to determine our individual life. Although we are using the body to "behave" according to what has been learned in the past, we are completely unaware of how our Creative Spirit has been assigned to determine our present behavior.

Not understanding this, we are inconsistent in our ability to direct our Spirit, which exists at the unconscious level of mind, towards a common and consistent goal of one simple idea that is shared globally.


Let's just use peace as an example. For one thing, the idea of peace is not one that can be consciously attained simply because peace cannot be done with the body. However, what can be done with the body is war. Whatever we have learned to do with the body must oppose the truth that has been buried within the unconscious mind. The only way that the truth that was written within the heart when we were born is to cover over this truth with something that occurred at the body level that set into motion a blatant denial of this truth. This unnatural motion that tied the awareness of our Spirit to the opposing value defined as peace,  was then transferred to the body where the body identity began to "act as if," (or use behavior) that would override this unconscious truth. In effect, the Spirit "fell from Grace," or peace, in order to maintain the inconsistent and insane individually learned behavior.

It is insane to believe that peace can be forced and manipulated by war. Force and manipulation are of the 3D body, not the Spirit. The frustration and anger we feel at the injustice of war are coming from the awareness of our internal Spirit that has been forced to serve an insane master that uses past memories that the body has been consciously using since the beginning of linear time to dominate. Domination, just like force and manipulation, is of the body. The Spirit knows nothing of this dominate nature but is being forced to serve this nature because we are consciously unaware.

The question is, where did this unnatural dominating nature come from? The answer is, it came from an insane thought that entered into the unconscious mind at the foundation of our world. This insane thought is called the separation.

The separation involved separating the individual Spirit from its Source by placing it inside of a body. The way this was done was through deception.

In the beginning, or at the beginning of the 7th Day of Creation, an insane thought entered into the unconscious mind. At the beginning of the 7th Day, the feminine and masculine energy were not separate. These energies worked together in harmony. The separation of feminine and masculine energy occurred once these 2 energies took the form of separate bodies. The fact that these were separate bodies was not evident until the separation occurred. Once it did, it was immediately observed that the bodies were naked. Before the separation, there was no such thing as differences. However, today we celebrate our differences because we are not aware of what it means to seek for what is the same.

The conscious decision to separate masculine and feminine energy into separate bodies caused the Spirit to fragment or split into two.  The Spirit must create based on what it has been consciously assigned to do. The split, or the separation of masculine and feminine energy, that occurred at the founding of our world virtually changed the purpose of time and changed how our world would mature globally. Basically what is occurring is that we are living in a world that is being run by a bunch of immature bodies with opposing values. With this split as a past reference living within the collective unconscious mind, the future of our world is grim. In effect, because of the split that defines the 3rd dimension, which began at the foundation of our world, the dimension our world resides in must split in two. This radical dimensional split is occurring right now. If we do not become aware of what is occurring, we are going to fall out of time, and into a dark empty space where time does not exist. It is essential that we at least acknowledge that this might be a problem.

Right now, we live in a world that is defined by artificial intelligence, or technology, and what we define as being outside of the virtual timezone called the internet. In the timezone that our bodies live inside of, we are still at war. However, within the virtual timezone, or artificial intelligence, there is no war.

I can tell you that Spirit will seek to find peace, as this is its natural Home. Right now, Spirit is seeking to enter into a virtual artificial timezone where it will find what it understands. It will seek to find a way to resolve the energy split between masculine and feminine energy. Within artificial time, there is no such split. In fact, we are teaching our children to seek for their reality inside of artificial time. Children are being taught to enter artificial time by placing their attentive awareness into an artificially prepared space where we are programmed to think without any emotion whatsoever....and we are consciously and unconsciously supporting this insanity.

What will time be without emotions? Better still, where will we exist without our emotions? Will we even care? Well, I can tell you this, it will be peaceful in artificial time. If there are no opposing emotions, there will be no war. Peace without the emotional attachment is where we are heading. Is this what we really want? The loss of the emotional connection to the Heavens is the ultimate extinction of the body. This is how the evolution of the body will ultimately end. Is this what we are ready for?

The split and the separation of masculine and feminine energy must be united as One in order to define a time zone where there is Whole global peace. Within this energetically safe time zone, there will only be peace because there will be no emotional opposition to peace.

The question is, how do we end the raging war that defines the emotional separation in the 3rd dimension? What exactly is the solution? What is the part that we are to play in order to end this energetic separation?

There is one solution, and one solution only. If there was more than one, this would present more opposing value into the collective unconscious mind, which would only  define more conflict. This would drive our world even closer to body extinction.

The alternative solution is to accept a Higher Plan designed to "fix the split," or end the separation that is occurring at an unconscious energetic level. This is what we are unconsciously unaware of, and must become consciously aware of. The first step is to be open to understanding that this is a global problem that we can individually begin to correct.

Obviously, we do not individually understand how to do this because we obviously believe and support this energetic split because we have never been exposed to anything different. Because of this, the Plan must be energetically orchestrated within the unconscious mind, but it must be individually directed, at the individual conscious level. Because we consciously responsible for the world in which we live, we must become consciously involved in correcting the problem that is occurring at the energetic level, or within the unconscious level of mind.

The unconscious mind is pure energy, as it is governed by the Spirit. The body must force or manipulate to obtain results. Because of the split at the energetic level, we are only accessing 10% of the actual energy that would be available to us consistently if we understood how to join these energies together as One and in Wholeness.

The return to restore Wholeness to our world was foretold when the split first occurred thousands of years ago. We are the generation that will begin correcting this error.

In our world, we see what we believe are many problems, but the truth is, there is only one. If there is only one problem, there can only be one solution. We can choose to be One with the solution that is being provided for us, or we can continue to remain separate from the Whole solution by relying on the awareness we believe to be true. Be aware that belief does not assign truth because the truth was assigned to the Spirit of our world long before personal belief began. The choice is ours, however, the outcome is not.

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