Have you noticed how difficult it is becoming to give life to your creative ideas? Have you noticed the more you try, the least success you are having?
Imagination is of the Spirit. By taking our imagination out of the realm of the Spirit, and attempting to turn our imagination over to the ego/body, we are starving our Spirit to death. Imagination is food for the Spirit. It does NOTHING for the ego/body. The ego/body wants it to get material things, which the Spirit would not deny us. However, whenever we turn over the creative potential in our imagination to ego/body plans to get something material that the ego wants for the body, we will fail. This is what we are witnessing in our world today.
The time for the body to govern the world by getting and taking is over. The 8th Day has begun. What this means is that our creative imagination must be returned to where it belongs. As long as we individually hold out false hope that we can get something at a body level, that only the Spirit can provide at the invisible level, is how long we will continue to be denied. This denial of prosperity does not come from the Spirit, it comes from the ego/body. This is the ego/body that we have been taught to believe is the only aspect of our reality that can provide us with what we want. This is a lie.
Thousands of years ago, an error occurred at the unconscious level of mind. This error allowed a deception to enter into our world at its foundation. This error raised a question of whether or not our world could devise a reality without the Spirit. During the Great Flood, the element of water collapsed, thus drowning out the memories of our unconscious memories. These memories were hung inside of time inside of a Rainbow, while evidence of the evolution of a body was set into motion. This is what the error did; it introduced a false precept into the collective unconscious mind, that introduce a new movement of thought. This is now an old movement of thought that is threatening to destroy the whole world. We can either continue trusting that the body can somehow inspire our imagination towards what we want to have in our lives, or we can trust that we are in error and that we responsible for beginning the process of placing the Spirit first in time. Listen, even Einstein said that imagination is greater than knowledge. What do you think this means?
It means this, even if we believe we learn to do a billion things, at our Creative Core, without the imagination of the Spirit, we cannot claim any more understanding than a robot. A robot can drive a car, and it can make anything it is programmed to do. Are we not moving in a direction that will allow us to program consciousness into a machine? The robot has artificial intelligence, and it can be programmed to fix anything, but it cannot be in-Spired with imagination. Is this the kind of life we really want? Already our children are being taught to gain their imagination from artificial intelligence. They are being taught that everything they want to know they can find in a computer. There is no imagination there. This comes from them!!!!! PLEASE WAKE UP.
When was the last time you used your Spirit to inspire your imagination? Once your imagination was inspired, did you turn this over to the body? Or perhaps you turned it over to artificial intelligence. Where did your Spirit go once you stole this imaginative idea from your Spirit? In effect, you allowed your ego/body to steal a creative idea from your Spirit, and then added thoughts to this idea that is out of the realm of Spirit to understand. The Spirit is dying here for lack of our conscious attention. What do you think is going to occur once there is no more Spirit in our world? Without the Spirit, there will be no joy, and there will be no expectation of anything except what the ego/body can define with artificial intelligence. Do you really think that this is going to afford us with good time? Time belongs to the Spirit, it does not belong to the body. Time is the creative level of mind. It is also where imagination comes from.
The Spirit is being shut out of our body-obsessed reality. Once the Spirit is gone, there will be no more time to support our environment or our world. Where do you think we will go then? If there is no-thing here that was in-Spired by imagination, what will you believe in then, because this is the direction our world is headed in.
I keep saying the same thing over and over again, yet there is no reform, there are only attempts at including the Spirit with body meditation. The body now sits in a higher position than the body at the dining room table.
We the people are responsible for agreeing to place our Spirit first in time. No one, not even God, can change our preference choices, and right now our preference choice belongs to the body. Wake up.
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Imagination is of the Spirit. By taking our imagination out of the realm of the Spirit, and attempting to turn our imagination over to the ego/body, we are starving our Spirit to death. Imagination is food for the Spirit. It does NOTHING for the ego/body. The ego/body wants it to get material things, which the Spirit would not deny us. However, whenever we turn over the creative potential in our imagination to ego/body plans to get something material that the ego wants for the body, we will fail. This is what we are witnessing in our world today.
The time for the body to govern the world by getting and taking is over. The 8th Day has begun. What this means is that our creative imagination must be returned to where it belongs. As long as we individually hold out false hope that we can get something at a body level, that only the Spirit can provide at the invisible level, is how long we will continue to be denied. This denial of prosperity does not come from the Spirit, it comes from the ego/body. This is the ego/body that we have been taught to believe is the only aspect of our reality that can provide us with what we want. This is a lie.
Thousands of years ago, an error occurred at the unconscious level of mind. This error allowed a deception to enter into our world at its foundation. This error raised a question of whether or not our world could devise a reality without the Spirit. During the Great Flood, the element of water collapsed, thus drowning out the memories of our unconscious memories. These memories were hung inside of time inside of a Rainbow, while evidence of the evolution of a body was set into motion. This is what the error did; it introduced a false precept into the collective unconscious mind, that introduce a new movement of thought. This is now an old movement of thought that is threatening to destroy the whole world. We can either continue trusting that the body can somehow inspire our imagination towards what we want to have in our lives, or we can trust that we are in error and that we responsible for beginning the process of placing the Spirit first in time. Listen, even Einstein said that imagination is greater than knowledge. What do you think this means?
It means this, even if we believe we learn to do a billion things, at our Creative Core, without the imagination of the Spirit, we cannot claim any more understanding than a robot. A robot can drive a car, and it can make anything it is programmed to do. Are we not moving in a direction that will allow us to program consciousness into a machine? The robot has artificial intelligence, and it can be programmed to fix anything, but it cannot be in-Spired with imagination. Is this the kind of life we really want? Already our children are being taught to gain their imagination from artificial intelligence. They are being taught that everything they want to know they can find in a computer. There is no imagination there. This comes from them!!!!! PLEASE WAKE UP.
When was the last time you used your Spirit to inspire your imagination? Once your imagination was inspired, did you turn this over to the body? Or perhaps you turned it over to artificial intelligence. Where did your Spirit go once you stole this imaginative idea from your Spirit? In effect, you allowed your ego/body to steal a creative idea from your Spirit, and then added thoughts to this idea that is out of the realm of Spirit to understand. The Spirit is dying here for lack of our conscious attention. What do you think is going to occur once there is no more Spirit in our world? Without the Spirit, there will be no joy, and there will be no expectation of anything except what the ego/body can define with artificial intelligence. Do you really think that this is going to afford us with good time? Time belongs to the Spirit, it does not belong to the body. Time is the creative level of mind. It is also where imagination comes from.
The Spirit is being shut out of our body-obsessed reality. Once the Spirit is gone, there will be no more time to support our environment or our world. Where do you think we will go then? If there is no-thing here that was in-Spired by imagination, what will you believe in then, because this is the direction our world is headed in.
I keep saying the same thing over and over again, yet there is no reform, there are only attempts at including the Spirit with body meditation. The body now sits in a higher position than the body at the dining room table.
We the people are responsible for agreeing to place our Spirit first in time. No one, not even God, can change our preference choices, and right now our preference choice belongs to the body. Wake up.
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