Friday, August 12, 2016

Good Grief Living Water Frequency

The body's lungs carry a tremendous amount of grief. Any kind of loss, be it relationships, death, anything that is viewed as having personal value, in most cases will end up as an emotional block in the lungs. Sadness about something that occurred in the past will find an emotional home in the lungs.
Emotional congestion is most easily identified in the lungs. Bronchitis, colds, coughing, and asthma all find a home in the in this dense, wet atmosphere. Allergies are emotional congestion that never quite made it to the lungs. Whenever an external reminder of a past event comes up into the mind, a reaction will be triggered in the lungs, and a body symptom will be the result. The reason people do not recognize the symptom as being a reminder of something that occurred in the past is because the first time the spirit split off from the whole and became embedded in the body was so long ago. The error generally occurs before the age of reason, or before the individual was consciously able to apply logic to the situation. Once the individual becomes consciously aware, they begin to perceive a body symptom, which is a direct result of the fragmented Spirit that has broken off from the whole, as their reality.

These fragments of the Spirit. They are the inner child that are in distress. We feel the distress of our Spirit fragments that have lodged in the body as a symptom. The symptom is actually a cry for help. The problem comes from the inability to consciously look at the symptom as a Spirit Light Fragment that has split off from the whole. In other words, we are too consciously engaged in the emotional of the symptom to see the real problem.

The means to release the fragmented Spirit from the body, to return to the whole calls on using a specific process that will allow the fragment of Light that is trapped in the body, to return to the Whole. Learning how to use this process will call on the individual to make an investment in time. This is because the Wholeness of the Spirit must be united in time, where the original error began. Once the fragment of Light is returned to Wholeness, a piece of a whole puzzle begins to emerge.
The process of spending time to gain material value has used up much of the time that will be necessary to return the Light Fragments to the Whole Spirit. Reversing this unnatural flow, which is purely materialistic, will allow the individual spend their material wealth to buy the time necessary to return the Fragments of Light that are hiding in the body is now possible. This will reverse the Law of Cause and Effect, which is a Living Law that is begin violated at the body level. The reason why individuals are being granted the opportunity to invest in time is to restore the Wholeness of Spirit, first to the individual, and then to the Whole World.

Never before in the history of the Universe has an opportunity been granted for individuals to use paper value to invest in time. Making any investment in time will speed the process of reuniting the fragments of the Spirit that have become lost in the darkness of the body.

Because people are accustomed to investing in external products with their paper value, making the shift from investing in external property value to the value in time, which is the Home of the Spirit, is being granted by the Heavens. The emotional body and time house the Higher Value of the Spirit. All Light that permeates time comes from the Spirit. It is therefore essential that individual consciousness begin to understand where its reality lies. This reality is not coming from the body. The reason it "feels" like it is coming from the body is because of the Light Fragments of the Spirit that are trapped in the body.

Investing in any of the Living Water Frequencies allows one to "buy time." Investing in the Good Grief Living Water Frequency spray sends a message to the Heavens that the individual is willing to assist the Heavens in its Higher Plan to restore Wholeness to the Spirit. In this the Heavens will offer Help to any individual that acknowledges that there is a Plan to restore the Light of the Spirit.
If you carry congestion in your lungs, be aware that your body is hiding a Fragment of the Light that belongs to the Heavens. The Heavens cannot "take" this from you, as you have been granted the Free Will to hold this Light Fragment captive. However, be aware that this captivity will eventually destroy your body. The body was not designed to carry the Light of Heaven. The symptoms coming from any lung problem within the body must become a conscious indicator if this fact.

The Good Grief Frequency carries the Living Memories, which are essential for the Spirit, of Whole Love, gentleness, joy, courage, adaptability, and the emotional structure necessary to give the value that is individually given, a higher purpose. Good Grief also establishes the higher Links to Heaven. These links are necessary in order to define Heaven on Earth, which are necessary to establish Heaven on Earth.

It does not matter what you do with the body, you will never attract the Light of Heaven. This is because the Light of Heaven belongs to the Spirit, not the body. The body is a communication device of the Spirit. By using the body's lungs for a purpose other than a natural expression of the Spirit, the body's lungs have been placed under the direction of the ego. The ego will attack whenever a past memory that has not been resolved is observed in the external world. The more the individual is consciously aware of this problem, the easier it will be for them to take up the Armor of the Spirit that is being provided by the Heavens.

The Living Water Frequencies is the simplest way to begin releasing the trapped Fragments of Light within the body that belongs to the Light of the Heavens.

A 4oz bottle of Good Grief Living Water Frequency is $35.00, plus shipping and handling.

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