Wednesday, August 31, 2016

What Can You Wholly Sense?

It is impossible to use intuition with complete trust and accuracy at the body level. This is because the body does not wholly sense anything. Instead, the body uses a system of fragmented internal images, sounds, smells, tastes and feelings to navigate through this the 3D existence. This is not how it is supposed to be.

When we were born, we had One Sense. This One Sense came through the Spirit. When we were a baby, we were able to wholly communicate through this One Sense. Even though our parents did not necessarily hear the intuitive Sound that the Spirit made, this did not decrease the Whole Sound being shared with the Sound of Inno-Sense.

Fast forward 10 years. The baby that once wholly understood how to communicate with their Spirit through their senses has learned that this means of communicating is not how it is done in this world. Instead, a sound is used by the body's voice. This sound of this voice mostly relates to the needs of the body. Thus, instead of using the ability to wholly communicate through what can be sensed, the child begins to relate the needs of their body to other bodies. Because whole sensory perception is unnecessary to communicate Spirit to Spirit in 3D, the child learns instead to split the Gift of the Natural Ability of the Spirit to communicate through One Whole Sense, which would eventually become whole telepathic communication, to 5 separate body senses. Thus, the child begins to learn how to trust their inferior body intellectual analysis over their superior ability to communicate with the Spirit. Boy, did we get it wrong.

The Living Water Frequencies were developed to help the individual understand the communication of the Spirit. However, because the evolution of the body has taken a superior position to the far superior ability of the Spirit to understand through whole sensing, there is a 6 degrees communication gap between us and what we want to naturally express with our Spirit. These 6 degrees constitute the 5 separate body senses, with the 6th one being a sense that is not a sense at all. In fact, it is a non-sense that was placed between the one whole sense we were born with to define darkness within our mind. This completely and unrealistic non-sense is called body fear.

That it is possible for us to sense fear with the body testifies to the fact that the body is being used inappropriately. In the beginning, when the first error was made, an idea of fear began to form within the body. This fear IS the separation. It was a way to separate our natural ability to wholly communicate, not only with the Earth but also with the Heavens.

So profound was this error, a whole other history was written in order to explain the existence of the non-sense called fear. This is called the physical history of the world.

The physical history of the world is full of fear. From a higher perspective, this is called fear based intelligence, or FBI. FBI relates to the separation of the One Whole Sense at the body or 3D level. The unnatural ability of fragmenting the Spirit into 6 separate body identity/senses accounts for mind chatter that goes on inside of the mind/body when truth is not being wholly communicated through the Spirit. Not only can we not communicate with each other, we also cannot communicate with the Heavens. In effect, this has left a world full of homeless people.

The Living Water Frequencies help restore the bridge across the separate body senses, or fragmented fearful body identities. Because people have forgotten the Ancient Language of the Spirit, the Living Water Frequencies were designed to help us remember individually.

I understand there are all sorts of individuals who claim to understand the means to reconnect our world to the heavens, and I would not say that they are wrong. What I am saying is this; no one wants for us what we want for ourselves, and no one understands what is going on inside of us. No one can hear our self-talk except for us, and no one is going to understand your Spirit better than you. However, before you can understand your Spirit, whole communication between your consciousness and your Spirit must first be restored.

How much time do you have invested in learning to communicate with body sounds? Does it make "sense" that you would have to invest at least this much time in closing the communication gap that exists between the body senses in order to restore conscious communication with your Spirit?

There is only One Plan for the Salvation of the world that will work. This Plan does not teach truth, nor does it teach enlightenment, as truth and enlightenment will happen on its own as whole communication is restored. The name of this Plan is called One Wholeness Now. This Plan refers to restroring whole communication by closing the gap between the 5 senses, while completely eliminating the non-sense called body fear.

We grew us learning that we were responsible for our body, so we learned to communicate with it, leaving behind the Creative Communication factor that was born of our Spirit. When we lost touch with our Spirit, we lost touch with the Living Language the moves through time. Hence, much of the History of our world has been lost in time due to our inability to communicate in 4D time, instead of communicating with the 3D body. There is another history of our world that we are completely in the dark concerning. Our Spirit can show us this, but first we have to understand the Language our Spirit is speaking. We are responsible for bringing all of the separate articles of communication of our Spirit that WE continue to contribute to when we choose to listen to the body instead of our Spirit.

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Tuesday, August 30, 2016

The 8th Day Grid

The old world grid is collapsing, as its foundation never had the opportunity to wholly develop into a Living Foundation. A Living Foundation would have housed a world so different from the one that we are living in, it is difficult to even imagine.

In the beginning, the Spirit that would define a foundation for a whole world was just taking baby steps. These were emotional baby steps, not ones that were taken with the body. Because it is the e-motional level of reality that defines a Living Foundation, when the e-motional integrity of the foundation of our world was challenged, this set an unnatural emotional pattern into a reverse motion.

Although it took many years for this unnatural motion to be fully integrated into the grid that would eventually define our world, eventually the point of critical mass would be reached, and this unnatural motion would assign the unnatural consequences of a whole world. This is the world we live in today. The beginning of the 7th creative day began in an unnatural error, and would end in an unnatural error. What occurred along the path into this unnatural error is defined as the physical history of the world. Thus, the physical and spiritual history of the world are both intertwined in an unnatural dance that always ends in death. There was only one way the Heavens could protect our world from the unnatural consequences of ultimate destruction. This was to define a false grid that would eventually collapse. However, even at this, the Heavens came up with a Plan to save our world from its ultimate destruction when the false grid collapsed.

Our world is sitting on the unnatural grid that is moving towards ultimate destruction. Our main concern should be how to move off of this collapsing grid, but it isn't. Just as the Bible states; just as in the days of Noah, people were eating and drinking and paying no attention to what was occurring until the flood came and swept them all away.

Even before the Great Flood, there was a Plan to save the people, but the people took no note. Instead, they asked of Noah; where is this kingdom that you speak of? By the time the rains began to fall, it was ultimately too late.

During the Great Flood, the foundation, or the higher grid that carried our world fell into a linear timezone.  The Higher Grid was actually a higher dimension, which was defined by Living E-motions. It was on this linear timezone where false evidence of the evolution of the body was planted. It was here where the body was accepted and nourished as being greater than the Living E-motions of the Spirit. It was here that a collection of false emotions emerging from the body began to build a world in time,  that was held on a grid doomed to collapse.

The Heavens have always understood that the grid that supports this false world would ultimately collapse, and just like in the days of Noah, we the people are being given an opportunity to consciously shift our focus towards an alternative solution.

This solution requires us to individually, not to relinquish anything we want, but to look at our emotional integrity that is supporting what we want. People may believe that they have good intentions, but a good intention is not enough to prevent this collapse. Because of the false emotional lessons that have been taught and accepted in this world, all of our emotions that are based on helping must be re-examined and brought into alignment with the Higher Frequency of the 8th Day Grid.

If an unnatural frequency coming from body emotions were enough to cause a global flood, what makes us believe that the body emotions we are using with a good intention today are enough to prevent the linear grid our world is sitting on from collapsing?

We are consciously in error. Positive thinking is not going to fix this collapsing grid problem. Neither are affirmations or doing something good for someone else. Talking about all of the injustices that are going on in the world will not help. Attemping to fix this injustice will not work either. There is nothing righteous about injustice because there is NO LIGHT to support it.

Nothing in this world can be fixed, as the grid that has being used as a global foundation is collapsing. What lies beneath the linear grid that our world is sitting on is dark empty space. The only Light that has been lighting up our world for the past 6000 years is the Light that the Heavens has been providing for it. In other words, the Heavens have been providing the Light for our world. This is Light that we were supposed to generate for our world from the collective Spirit that joins our world in wholeness and as One. It is time to learn to be responsible for turning on our OWN Light. The artificial ones that we are using cannot be seen by the Heavens. These are body lights that the body uses so it can see separately in the dark.

There is no light in the body to light our world. The body is too dense to provide Light. We are the ones that must be the Light for our own world. It is time. The people must join together as One and in Wholeness to recognize the Spirit as its only Source of Light. This is the Light that is NOW, as there is no other Light in time other than this ONE.

Bring the problem home. This is not the home of the body, it is the Home of the Spirit. This is the E-motional Home that is recognized by the Heavens. This is the only Light that is recognized on the 8th Day, and also on the Grid that supports this Light. This Light comes from the Spirit, not the body.

As it was in the beginning. World without end, but we still need Light so we can see where we are going.

Living Water Frequencies carry the Sound of the 8th Day. This is the Day when the Spirit is released into the New Earth Grid. The reason people do not understand the purpose of this Higher Frequency is because they are attempting to hear with body sounds. The Higher Sound in Living Water targets the Spirit, not the body. The natural Sound of the Frequency in Living Water brightens the Light in the Spirit. As consciousness begins to witness to this Higher Frequency, it begins to recognize that this is a much happier and peaceful space, and it begins to slowly reliquish the harsh lower sounds coming from the ego body. As soon as the Sound of the Spirit begins to be recognized, consciousness begins to recognize that this Home is much more preferable than the lower home of the body. This does not destroy the body, but it begins to be perceived as what it is, merely a learning device of the Spirit. As consciousness and Spirit unite as One, this can only be called a miracle. Thus, the Miracle Experience is bound to replace the body experience as the Miracle Experience begins to be preferred over the body experience. This is called A Season of Miracles. As consciousness learns to embrace the Spirit as its Home, eventually Heaven and Earth will unite as One. Then it will be as it was in the beginning.
Sound and Light move as One in the Heavens. Before you can consciously witness your OWN Light, you must first begin to consciously hear the Sound of your OWN Spirit. You cannot hear your Spirit with body ears. The sound coming from the body is deceptive, as is everything coming from the body.
It is time to begin to listen to the Sounds coming from your Spirit. Your Spirit wants to tell you something, but you will never hear what your Spirit is saying as long as your body drowns out this Beautiful Spirit Sound. It is time to wake up.

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Monday, August 29, 2016

Breath, Fire, and Vision

The Breath, Fire, and Vision that comes from the Spirit has the ability to add Creative Structure to our world. This is the Creative Breath that we received upon entry into this world.

According to the Plan of One Wholeness Now, not all babies since the beginning of linear time have been receiving the Breath of Fire, which defines them as having the Fire necessary to sustain the Creative Energy within Free Will. It was not until a crucial element of the Plan to restore our world to its original State of Wholeness was the Breath of Fire began to be slowly re-introduced into our world.

Whether you agree with the Bible our, not, the Plan to restore Righteousness (which is the condition of whole understanding) to our world, was a Plan that began immediately after the error of separation was first introduced into the unconscious mind of our world.

Ever since the Great Flood, which set our world onto a linear timeline, or disconnected our world from the  Whole State of Grace, our world has been being Guided by an unseen Universal Force that is impossible to imagine. Although there are many religions in the world, of which would be impossible to dispute, there is only One Plan to restore our world to a Whole State of Grace.

Every 2000 years, ever since the Great Flood occurred, a major Biblical event has occurred. 2000 years after the flood, Moses received the Law. 2000 years after that, a Child was born who would re-introduce the Spirit Breath of Fire back into the mind of humankind. He poured this Spirit Breath of Fire out, "even unto His death." It was the pouring out of this Creative Spirit Breath of Fire that allowed Him to be resurrected from the dead. It is for this Breath of Fire that no one need ever perish in death again, but realize eternal life.

The State of Grace is Inno-Sense. This was Inno-Sense that was lost at the time of the great deception. In order for the Plan to work perfectly, a child would have to retain their Inno-Sense even unto death. Once this feat had been attained, the Breath of Fire would be re-introduced one child at a time.

As each child is born into this world, they come to offer the world a Piece of the Plan that will completely undo the original error. For many, their piece of the Plan fell "asleep" in death when the host, or the body the Spirit lived in, died. Those of us who are alive today, are bearers of the Foundation for a New World. The Spirit of those who have fallen asleep in death in past generations will awaken when it is time to add their Breath of Fire to the Plan of One Wholeness Now.  In the meantime, it is up to the people who are seeking to find their Breath of Fire so they can complete the function that they have been specifically assigned.

Just as the Christ, this individual will not be in a position of fulfilling their function until their individual Breath of Fire has been restored to them. What this means is that there is a whole lot of misunderstanding that has to be undone. This misunderstanding relates to the body and its function in time.

The breath that comes from the body does not carry the Creative Fire of the Spirit. The breath of the body is a function that emerged from the evolution of the body. It is supported by the reptilian brain. All aspects of the reptilian brain are shadows across the conscious understanding necessary to use and understand the Creative Breath of Fire. For this reason, all past memories that have been imposed upon the Spirit by the reptilian brain must be relinquished. By undoing the past memories that are connected to the breath of the body, it will be possible to restore the Breath of Fire to the Spirit. We are individually so far away from restoring the Breath of Fire to the Spirit, it will call on us individually to re-evaluate everything we believe about our reality.

You might wonder how this split occurred. When we were born, our first breath was given to us. Within this was shared the Breath of Fire. It is this Breath of Fire that identifies us as being a Co-Creator of the Universe. We have no idea what this means because, shortly after our first breath was given, a paper document was thrust upon us, that declared our identity as being that of the body. Because we are both, Spirit and body, until we decide which came first, there will always be an argument of which came first, the chicken or the egg.

All belief defines a split in understanding. On the one hand, a belief will support the breath of the body and the other belief will support the Spirit's Breath of Fire. This is the inner conflict that we all face. It is the inner struggle between the beauty and the beast, and Snow White and the evil queen. If you remember, Snow White fell asleep in death. She did not die. The prince awakened her with the Breath of Fire. In this, she was reminded of her True Self.

Our world has entered into the 8th Creative Day. The Breath of Fire, which we have every right to, must be understood before it can be wholly accepted. The Heavens will not provide anyone with the Breath of Fire if they are ignorant about its potential and purpose.

We are entering into a day of undoing the reptilian shadow that is controlling our breath, and leading us into body temptation. Once the reptilian shadow is undone, we will individually go through an adjustment period. This adjustment period will help us learn how to use the Breath of Fire constructively and creatively. As this is being learned, the individual will be learning specifically what their function is to restore our world to Whole Grace.

Needless to say, once the whole Plan of One Wholeness Now is complete, our world will be accepted into a Higher Galactic Plan to Create a Whole Loving Universe. Because our world carries 10% of the Breath of Fire necessary to create with, our Creative Breath must be added to the other 90%. Without us, the Breath of Fire is blowing at 90% capacity, and truth must be whole and complete to be Itself.

Everything we need to save ourselves and our world is held within the Plan of One Wholeness Now. Our first step must be to first undo the unnatural shadow of death that the reptilian brain is storing inside of our lungs. Without removing this shadow, the Breath of Fire that comes from the Spirit will be hidden from us. New decisions and choices must be made.

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Sunday, August 28, 2016

The Game Changer

Do you want results in your life? Do you want to attain results that you never dreamed were possible? Do you want an experience that will shake up your beliefs at your core?

If you had access to a game changer of this caliber, that had to potential to shake out everything that you had faith in from the past and was actually interfering with what you want today, would you accept this game changer? Well, today you do have access to this game changer.

Since the end of the Great Flood, and the beginning of the unnatural linear time movement, there have always been miracles. The fact that sometimes miracles worked for people, and sometimes they didn't, is a testimony that people really do not have a clue what miracles are for. If people did understand them, wouldn't be an obvious assertion that individuals would make use of them whenever they came up against a problem that they had no idea how to solve?

Miracles do not work at the 3D body level. If they did, they would not be miracles. They would just have another 3D interpretation. For instance, like chair. Everyone already knows what the interpretation of a chair is. They also believe they understand what the purpose of a chair is. This would obviously be a simple observation to make. Just for an instant, let's see what would happen if we added a miracle to that chair. Now what would the correct interpretation of that chair be? \

The truth is, people are just not going to accept a miracle interpretation of a chair because they believe they already understands its purpose. Thus, because of what individuals believe what they already understand, they are unwilling to accept that it is possible to even add miracles to chairs.

All of the material structures that our world uses to ascribe its reality is lacking in the emotional structure/content/integrity necessary to protect our 3D physical world. As we sit idly by and watch, and then attempt to rebuild, our world is slowly being destroyed by the natural elements that do not recognize our structures because they lack the emotional integrity to sustain them. The question is, are we just going to sit by and watch as our 3D world is completely slowly destroyed by nature, or are we going to do something about it?

Don't kid yourself. The world has been destroyed before by the natural elements. Just because we have technological advances that we believe past societies did not have access to, technology will not save us. There obviously is proof that the society that we live in today is in fact in its infancy of technology compared to the advanced societies that existed before the one we are living in today. They did not listen either. They did not think that there was anything more powerful than they were. This should be a lesson to our world, but we are not listening.

You can never do anything that will ever be good enough for the natural elements that are destroying our world to take notice of your extrodinary deeds. Something else is needed. This is something no one in this 3D world understands. This is because this "something" does not herald from a world that cannot see beyond the 3D borders that is hiding in darkness. This is darkness that we believe is understanding. It is not understanding, it is destruction.

The 3D material world we use as our reality appears as a shadow to the natural elements. This is a shadow that does not carry any Light because it was not designed with Light. It was designed by an artificial source that obtained its reality, not from the Heavens, but from what was taken from the Earth. The 3D world was designed in the dark folds of separate bodies that attempted to make a world without Light. The Light that is shining from the Heavens we do not see because we believe that this Light is coming from a sun that our planet just happens to be orbiting around. How is this possible without Divine understanding?

If there is Divine understanding, is it possible that our world has separated from this? Has our understanding gone so far in another direction that it is impossible to reach us? Turn around. There is something here that you do not understand.

Miracles exist in 4D. All of our conscious understanding, along with our material reality, exists in 3D. Miracles are the bridge between our world and the Heavens. We are being asked to integrate miracles into our individual understanding to protect our world from being destroyed by the natural elements. These forces will destroy anything that does not bear witness to the Light.

This is the God that has awoken from the 7th Day rest. Did you really think this God would be pleased with our world? Unless and until we at least agree that we do not already understand everything we need to understand, we will, and shadow world will continue to be subjected to destruction.

If you want to be seen in the darkness, you shine a Light. The Light that we have been given to shine in our world are miracles. As for me, I will make use of them so I will be seen within this dark corner in the Universe.

The time to recognize that we have a problem and need a Game Changer is Now. This Game Changer is called a miracle.

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Saturday, August 27, 2016

The Hidden Language

The evolution of the body has contributed to 10% of the ability to use verbal skills to communicate with. While the means of communicating with the body has been in effect for thousands of years, we all understand that there is a whole lot more to communication than the verbal skills that are being used to express physical language.

The other way of communicating comes from an Ancient Language that we have set aside in favor of verbal skills. This Ancient Language is one that is shared with the Spirit. Whereas the verbal language we speak is limited to the 3D body, the Ancient Language of the Spirit has no such limit. In fact, this Ancient Language is limitless. This Language holds the other 90% of the natural ability to communicate that we have forgotten.

The Ancient Language of the Spirit is a Living Language. A Living Language is able to express precisely with emotional content, which is far beyond the barriers that are placed on the spoken word. Living Language goes out and communicates the precise emotional content necessary to attract the perfect emotional response. The ability to attract exactly what is emotionally desired is called the Law of Attraction. The reason the LOA is difficult to express in this Living Language is because most people have a difficult time expressing themselves with limited verbal skills, never mind with a Living Language that does not support any emotional inconsistency.

After the Great Flood, access to the Ancient Living Language was restricted to body communication, and it was the body that became the primary means of communication. This way of communicating remains with us today.

The reason this occurred was to uphold the unnatural consequences of a mistake that occurred at the foundation of our world, or at the beginning of the 7th Day. Observing this error allowed humankind to rewrite, or communicate, a history that did not include the Ancient Living Language. This allowed time for the evolution of the body to be interwoven within the history of our world. Hence, the 2 histories of our world. It was within this error that verbal communication skills began to emerge as a primal focus on external body language.

Now that we have entered into the 8th Day of Creation, the Ancient Living Language has become available to us once again. The problem is, we have been using verbal communication for so long, we have no idea how to use, never mind speak, a Living Language. The main problem is, our primitive language skills brought about by evolution, have been embedded into our unconscious mind. The only way to undo the false emotional content that has been planted at this level of mind is to shift personal understanding so the individual is not excluding the benefits that would come from accessing the Living Language.

Shifting from a verbal language to a Living Language will call on a special language re-interpretation device that was planted in time after the Great Flood.  The purpose of this device is to shift verbal skills to the Living Language in time. This re-interpretation device that hangs in time is called a miracle.

Most people believe that they have the ability to change their mind, and they do. However, what they do not have the ability to do is shift their primitive verbal skills to a more acceptable Living Language ability. This miracle shift in time is obviously going to become more mandatory as we move further into the 8th Creative Day.

Although the time the individual chooses to learn the Living Language is up to them, as a global society, as we move further into the 8th Day, it will become increasingly more difficult to use a limited verbal language to emotionally express with the body. Expressing body concerns, without learning to express the emotional concerns of the Spirit will only intensify a physical problem. For this reason, learning the unlimited Language of the Spirit will be for the benefit, not just for the individual, but for the whole as well.

A Living Language teaches inner truth. Living truth is not dependent on an external reference for interpretation. Everything that the individual needs to understand truth is within them. Accessing inner truth will lead to individual happiness, abundance, and health. It will no longer be necessary to use someone else's understanding to gain knowledge. It will no longer be necessary to ask for physical assistance in problem solving, as a Living Language will deliver the emotional equivalent of what is wanted with a 3D symbol that will be personally understood.

It is time to put away the language of the body. These skills will not move us into the 8th Day. The 8th Day is a time of learning the Ancient Living Language of the Spirit. No one can make us learn this Language. We must be the one that makes this choice.

Living Water Frequencies are a Living Product of the 8th Day

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Thursday, August 25, 2016

Collectibles of the Spirit

Karma is not a debt we owe to another body, it is a debt we owe to our OWN Spirit. To the degree that we believe we can deny someone else their material due through guilt, or that they owe to us through guilt, is the same degree that we have in fact denied our Spirit its due. The purpose of the 8th Day is to collect the Karmic Debt due to our Spirit.

Attempting to fix a Karmic Debt we believe is owed to us, or that we believe we owe to someone else, must begin to be viewed as a waste of time. This was the way we attempted to manage the revenge for our Spirit on the 7th day. This never worked simply because the Spirit has no need of physical revenge. What it needs is to go Home.

The Home of the Spirit is not the body. The body is a linear nightmare for the Spirit. As our Spirit defines our emotional well being, when it is not in its natural Home, we will consciously experience the same symptoms as our Spirit. These symptoms include, emotional lack, loss, wanting to get even, guilt, anger, remorse, loss, disease, frustration, anxiety, stress, unnatural attachments to material people, places, and things, fear, along with a host of lot more other body problems that we believe are coming from the body, or the external world. These problems are NOT coming from the body. These symptoms are in fact telltale signs that our Spirit is in distress, and needs to go Home.

This problem is so widespread, it encompasses the whole world. Everything we are experiencing in the external world is a call from our Spirit for Help. Because the experience of the whole world is distressed, only a whole solution that will provide the means for the Spirit to return Home will answer the call.

This is the problem; we believe we understand the problem; we do not. This problem is of the Spirit. The most we consciously understand concerning our Spirit has come about through religious history, and most of religious history is full of a need to control the people. This has been written into history, and history is the foundation of our world. These historical memories must be corrected in order to prevent the foundation of our world from splitting apart.

The other abominable memories that have kept our Spirit in bondage is war, disease, crime, hunger, loss, limitations. Whether we want to believe it or not, these are memories that have formed a global foundation, and our Spirit is being held captive to these unnatural linear memories.

All linear memories come from the 7th day. Our world has moved into the 8th Day. The purpose of the 8th Day is to provide us the time necessary to go back across the linear timeline to release our Spirit from this unnatural linear foundation that we trust is real.  This IS our responsibility.

We are responsible for our thoughts. When our thoughts are holding our Spirit captive to past linear belief, the body will suffer. This is because the body is not the Home of the Spirit.

As our Spirit is released to its Natural Home, it immediately has access to the Ancient Memories it has been being deprived of. These are Ancient Memories of joy, harmony, Love, goodness, gentleness, kindness, appreciation, trust, peace, and the list goes on. As long as we continue to deprive our Spirit access to these Natural Emotions, we will continue to experience loss. This is because the linear timeline was designed to carry a body lone body expression. A lonely body expression is not natural for our Spirit.

During the course of the life of our body, we have unintentionally imprisoned our Spirit within the body. In doing so, we have lost conscious access to our ability to creative express through our Spirit, and to the Heavens. It is a single thought that we had in the past that imprisoned our Spirit within the body. The unnatural thoughts that we used to consciously express with the body have imprisoned our Spirit must be recognized for what they are. They are nothing.

t is within this recognition that our Spirit will be released to return to its eternal Home. Because our Spirit must have access to our conscious focus, our Spirit will continue to work creatively for us. However, not until every fragment of our Spirit has been returned to its eternal Home, will we be free of the linear lessons that continue to keep us in this hellish nightmare. We have stolen something from Heaven. It is time to return this. Until this happens, we are going to continue to seek for an external solution on the linear timeline. It is NOT there. The solution is within us.

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Monday, August 22, 2016

Living Language and the Original Sin

In any society, language is its core. If the language is not understood, then appreciation will be lacking. When appreciation is lacking, there will be the matter of inner self-talk, which will deteriorate a relationship. Once the relationship is destroyed, the misunderstanding will not just go away, it will be go on the journey through life with the individual.

The language barrier problem originated thousands of years ago. At the foundation of our world. a language barrier did not exist between the Heavens and the people who lived on the Earth. There was also no language barrier between the Earth and the occupants of the Earth. Without a language barrier, there was total and complete harmony.

The problem began when an attempt was made to undermine higher communication with an individual body language. This was the deception that was accepted in the beginning that allowed the hu-mans to make an assessment that was completely inaccurate and against the Higher Living Laws that protect the Living Language. In other words, an attempt was made to define a personal internal body language so the individual could decide for themselves what was good. The tree of good and bad in the Genesis account was about communication and language, not sin. This decision left the Spirit without access to the Higher Communication in the Heavens. Without access to this communication, the Spirit was forced to use a limited body communication. Without the ability to communicate with the Heavens, the Spirit was homeless. This problem did not just affect individual bodies, it placed a 10% learning curve on the rest of Creation. Without access to the 10% of Spirit that was homeless in this world, the wholeness necessary to create was measured to 90%. It is, therefore essential for the homeless 10% of Spirit that is trapped in our world to be released to go Home.

Today, people really do not understand the implications of what occurred in the Genesis account because our world only has access to 10% of the original Living Language. This means that we are 90% deficient in our ability to communicate, not only with each other, but with the rest of the Universe.

The Language of the bible is spoken in Living Words. The language we communicate with is left up to the one hearing to determine the meaning behind the words being spoken. Without access to the Living Language, individuals have learned to settle their problems with means that are very inappropriate. War, disease, starvation, manipulation, force, survival of the fittest at any cost, theft, along with a host of other inappropriate ways that are used to make up for a language deficiency. There are obvious gaps in our personal and global understanding that is preventing us individually and globally from understanding what the Heavens are attempting to tell us.

Why would the Heavens allow a Man Who understood the Living Language to be sacrificed because the rest of humanity could not speak the same Language? This is clearly insane. Is it possible that the Ministry of this Man was attempting to teach this Living Language? If this is the case, wouldn't it make more sense to invest in a higher Plan to help individuals relearn this Living Language so it would be possible to communicate in this manner once again?

The communication blocks that are being individually imposed on the natural flow of the Living Language must be undone. The problem is, people already believe they understand what they are talking about. If just one word that is being used carries a tainted frequency, the whole interpretation of what is being defined is not only a waste of time, it is contributing to what we want to eliminate in our world.

The only aspect of time that is real is Now. This is because Now is the only aspect of time where the Living Language can be communicated in. We do not live in the Now. We live on a linear timeline that supports a language that can only be individually defined. How our world ended up on this linear timeline can only be answered by learning to explore the forgotten Living Language.

How long did it take you to learn the language you speak today? How long did it take you to use the words that define what you do and who you are? What if there is just one word in everything you believe that is causing you misery? Wouldn't it make sense to figure out what this word is?

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Sunday, August 21, 2016

What is Living Color?

The understanding of our Spirit is limited to what we believe. When our Spirit enters this world, it receives the Breath of Life. What is in this Breath is Living Color. Living Color is One with the Creative energy that defines the whole Universe.

Unfortunately, we also receive a paper certificate that turns the value of our physical body over to the material world. After this occurs, we begin to be instructed in how to be a body. This leaves the potential of the Spirit without reference to the whole. It also leaves the Spirit ineffectual in learning how to add its creative Living Color mark within in time.

The only way that the darkness of outer space can become inner Light is through the Spirit. This is the purpose of time. The Spirit is expanding Inner Light into outer space. Thus, the darkness from outer space is methodically becoming One with the Wholeness of the Inner Light of the Spirit. This expansion of Inner Light has been going on for millions of years. The reason we do not understand this is because of that paper identity we receive at birth that teaches us that we are something else.

The body solution is not creative, it is analyzing. The process of teaching how to analyze begins at a very early age. It begins as our parents begin to define our emotions for us. Because we do not understand anything when we are born, we trust our parents to teach us. As soon as the Spirit begins to catch onto the direction that we are being led in, it begins to place its Living Color where it is being shown it is supposed to go. This begins the process of analyzing Living Color.

How do you analyze the color blue? You give it a body interpretation. Once a body interpretation has been applied, it will now be possible to "be" sad. Once you consciously understand what being sad means, the Spirit will begin to collect body references that relate to the unnatural body emotion of sadness.

Once you begin to add a full spectrum of Living Color to the body, the body begins to become what is commonly referred to as "the temple of God." This is not a temple for God, for the Spirit cannot be housed in a body. The body is an emotional limit for the Spirit.

Thus, what is commonly referred to by religion as a temple for God becomes a prison for the Spirit. This is clearly insanity, yet we are consciously protecting this insanity by supporting the limited and misinterpreted color of the Spirit by analyzing what this color for a limited body purpose. Our belief that the body is a temple is also limiting the Spirit. The Spirit was use anything we consciously assign to it to make our conscious reality true for us. Uncreative emotional assignments through body analyzation of the Living Color in our Spirit is how we learn to understand how to place the body first in time. Is this reasonable? Is it sane? Is it being consciously responsible for the most Creative Force in the Universe? This obviously gives new meaning to the statement, "as within, so without."

Becoming emotionally bankrupt means when all of the Living Color of the Spirit that once surrounded the body has been re-interpreted and analyzed to serve a body purpose, body death is imminent. Once the true Value of the Living Light of Color within the Spirit has been given to the body, we become a willing participant in our own demise.

We are all on a course of emotional bankruptcy. As soon as the body is full of emotional insecurity that we have taught our Spirit to accept by analyzing how we feel at the 3D body level, and the body becomes full of what we do not want, time is up. Now the body dies without ever us ever consciously expressing the full potential that we are capable of.

In the 3D body, time has run out. The old and dies with the Music of the Living Spirit trapped inside of the body. Now we take our Spirit to the grave with us, because we believe that the temple of God is the body. If the body can die, so can the Spirit, but this is a lie. Wake up.

Our Spirit must be released from this nightmare. The Higher Emotional Integrity of the Spirit must be consciously returned to its Home. This Home is NOT the body. The home of the body is the ego. The ego is holding our Spirit in bondage with false emotionally charged discontentment.  Heaven cannot take this discontentment from us. This is ours, we own it. Why do we believe we can change reality by hiding the value of our Spirit in the body? We have a treasure that we have stolen from Heaven. Do we really believe that the Heavens will continue to support us in this insanity? Look around. Nature is already beginning to claim the Spirit that has been buried in a ground of death. We can either choose to work with this process, or fight against it, but to be sure, this is a battle we cannot win.

The Spirit belongs to the Heavens, not to a body. The body belongs to the Spirit. It was assigned as a learning device for the Spirit, not the other way around. The way we are using the Spirit is not only destroying the body, it is destroying our world. It is time to make some new decisions and choices for our Spirit instead of for the body.

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Saturday, August 20, 2016

Body Depreciation or Spirit Appreciation

Living Water Frequencies are to the Spirit as fire was to the body when it was first discovered. The many ways that fire has proved to provide for the body can be compared to what the Living Water Frequencies provide for the Spirit.

People are over protective of the body. Anything that goes wrong with it, conscious body concerns will go over the top. When it appears that body needs are in jeopardy, people will do anything to avoid the fear that goes along with body protection. Despite all of this, the body will continue to depreciate in value, as will the material value that they 3D body seeks to maintain during its depreciation. Once the body value depreciates to a point that no value remains, it will die.

So, lets see the difference between the Value of the Spirit versus the value of the body.
The Value of the Spirit is eternal. Because it is eternal, its value will only appreciate. The very Heavens protect the Value of the Spirit. For this reason, the Spirit was not created to experience fear, but instead only to express and appreciate Whole Perfect Love. The Natural Home of the Spirit is whole perfect Love. This space is called the emotional body. The home of the body is the ego, and the ego is preventing our Spirit from going Home. Could this be a problem for those of us who are living inside of an ego/body that is attempting to imprison OUR Spirit by preventing it from returning Home?....think....

The reason that body value depreciates is because of the fragmented value that the ego/body has placed on the Spirit. When we place the Spirit under the control of the ego/body, Heaven cannot protect the Spirit. In essence, our Spirit is at the mercy of the ego, and because we do not consciously understand this, we are protecting the false value that they ego has placed on our Spirit. Consciously, we are agreeing with the ego by using the fear based thinking that we were indoctrinated into through the 3D body experience. Our Spirit is innocent of any crime, yet we are allowing the ego to show us a deception in our mind to keep our Spirit in bondage. Unless and until we consciously use the means of Heaven to release our Spirit, we will continue to regard the ego/body as being sane, when it is clearly insane. Even Heaven cannot interfere with your free will.

The Home of the Spirit does not exist in the body. However, any higher emotion that comes from the Spirit that has been inappropriately expressed at the body level will fragment the Spirit into an inappropriate and depreciative ego body expression. This fragmented ego body expression will remain within the 3D realm until it is corrected. All the while, the Spirit will be locked in the bodies darkness that the ego provides. 

What this means for us is that there are billions of fragments of the higher expression of the Spirit that is trapped in 3D. The Home of the Spirit is the Heavens. Unless the Heavens have moved, it is not located in 3D, or any facsimile thereof.

The re-education of consciousness must begin if we are to direct the Whole Spirit to its proper Home. The Living Water Frequencies are designed to support consciousness is this major transition. By slowly developing a conscious rapport with the Spirit, consciousness begins to see that the Value of the Spirit is much greater than that of the body. 

Unlike fire to warm the body, the Spirit is eternal. Whole appreciation must be returned to the Spirit so that our treasures will stop be devalued by the ego/body.

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Friday, August 19, 2016

Lies, Deception, and the Truth

What if everything we understand about the mind/body is in error? What if the history of our world was re-written in order to compliment the mind/body instead of the mind/Spirit? How would the history of our world have been written if the Spirit had maintained its proper order in time? What if the true purpose of time is to house the Spirit, and the body itself is actually a learning device for the Spirit?

What would happen if a body that was made to house the Spirit actually began to be viewed as an entity unto itself? Would this not change the value of the body to reflect this value. What would happen to the Spirit if the natural order in time were reversed, and the body was re-negotiated to be the primary figure in time? How would this shift change the relationship of the Spirit to the world? How would this unnatural order change the relationship of the Spirit to the Heavens?

There is obviously something fundamentally wrong with our world. The history of the world bears witness to this fact. The inability of our world to establish global peace, bring an end hunger, disease, racial inequality, as well as provide equal Justice for all is obvious.

There are huge gaps that are evident in the history of the world that people have been told since the beginning of time. According to history, there are 2 separate and distinct histories. One history is physical, and the other history is spiritual. It is obvious that the reconciliation of these physical and spiritual history appears to be impossible. However, it can be duly noted that what appears to be may present evidence to the observer, may not be evidence at all. In fact, if evidence is taken out of context, or does not belong in the where it has been assigned, what appears to be accurate can hardly be claimed to be accurate at all.

We are in the midst of a global transformation. Although I did not realize it, my Spirit entered into a Sacred Contract before I entered this world. Most of the details of this Sacred Contract were forgotten by me when I entered into the 3D body experience. However, there were pieces of a whole puzzle that when put together within the whole, made perfect sense. However, most of what I had agreed in Spirit to learn at the body level had to be re-introduced. This took a considerable amount of time.

Like everyone else who enters into the 3D body experience, I was observant of the feeling of needing to find something that I could not quite put my finger on. Once I reached my twenties, I was really not interested in pursuing my 3D purpose. However, as I entered into the 4th decade of my life, my attention began to turn more and more towards this higher purpose, and so it was I began to ask inner questions that only appeared to be relevant to what I wanted to understand.

In order to understand my own questions, I began to look for alternative ways of looking at the mind/body connection. After years of internal contemplating, and asking questions that were unrelated to the religious and physical education I had learned to understand, new information concerning the history of the 3D world began to emerge within my mind. Some of this information I would attempt to bring together to form a whole 3D picture, but I soon realized that there was more to putting a whole picture together than looking through 3D eyes that had been taught to believe that something could be seen that was not really there at all.

The more I explored the truth that exists beyond the deceptive 3D veil, the more I began to see how this deception was being played out on a 3D global stage. It began to become apparent to me that in order to escape the 3D body experience, a new kind of experience would have to replace the one that people had been taught to believe was real, but in order to unlearn what I had learned to believe was showing me the truth, I had to undo the deceptive history that shifted the real historical value of our world, and in turn gave it to the body.

Thus, our world is comprised of 2 separate and distinct histories that we the people must learn to incorporate into one history. Because the physical history of our world has left us with many memories in time that must be acknowledged and recognized for the value that they carry, we are not being asked to demolish this value. Instead, we are being asked to look again at the history that defines the Spirit. This is the history that has been re-interpreted by theology and religions that pre-suppose a doctrine or theory into a higher experience of the Spirit, which has only led to more speculation and confusion.

The people of our world are entitled to the truth. This truth is available for anyone who wants to learn it. However, reaching this truth is not necessarily easy. I do not teach truth, as all truth of the Spirit is inherent within each individual. What I help people do is simplify the means for reaching their OWN inner truth. Because within this inner truth is the foundation of the Living Law that protects the Spirit, and the laws that we abide by in our 3D body experience are defined by paper, it would be to our personal advantage to understand our Spirit, and why it has taken a back seat to the 3D body experience.

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Thursday, August 18, 2016

The Mind/Body Connection

What happens when the body is placed in control of the mind? Do you know? Do you understand the implications of placing a learning device that was specifically designed for the Spirit to emotionally define form? If you do not understand what it means to place the body ahead of the Spirit, just look around. People everywhere are so caught up in using technology, they do not understand their own emotions.

If their body/machine gets broken, they attempt to fix it by going to another body/machine in the hopes that this other body/machine has the answer. The problem is, a body machine that seemingly has solutions for a broken body/machine is also emotionally broken. If they were not broken, they would understand that it is the individuals Spirit is being denied access to the higher emotional content that is necessary for them to heal.

The body is cured, the mind is healed. The mind is sick because we are so full of what we believe we intellectually understand, we have lost the ability to see our own higher emotional purpose.

Do you know what the mind/body connection is? Do you know what occurs at the body level when you place your intellect above your emotional Spirit well being? I can tell you, as I have observed what happens.

During the time that I was a practicing massage therapist, I engaged in many conversations where the individual had inadvertently placed their body above their Spirit. By learning to ask specific questions, I was able to ascertain the specific incident from the past that introduced fear into their mind. Once this fear had been introduced into their mind, it became enshrouded in darkness. In order to release the Spirit from this unnatural imprisonment, I first had to find the specific incident, and then I would have to find a way to help them release their Spirit from this darkness.

This was always difficult, because the individual always believed that this darkness was some kind of protection, and if it was removed, they would be vulnerable and exposed to the same kind of experience that made their Spirit hide in the first place.

Most people want to attack their fear. In other words, an individual may understand that they are fearful, but they will not understand why. The reason is this; they are using the dense body to hide their Spirit within.

The emotions of the Spirit are perfect. They are whole and without contamination. The reason why the Christ was Innocent was because His Spirit was free of the dense and dark matter of the body. In other words, His higher emotional content was not hiding inside of His Body. Because He did was not tempted to add darkness to his Spirit, His Spirit remained pure and Innocent. Because of this, He was able to perform miracles. This is a far cry from where we are. We do not even know how to align our Spirit with the Heavens. Instead, we protect the body because we believe that the body can provide something for us that the Spirit cannot. Dimensionally speaking, the Spirit is positioned right under the Heavens. What is the Heavens? It is the Universal Mind. Some people call this God.

If you want to know why your prayers are not being heard, it is because you are attempting to understand your problem from a body perspective. Because the body is once removed from the Heavens, if you are using the body in an attempt to gain the Ear of Heaven, you might want to re-think this position. All body problems stem from placing the body, or the learning device of the Spirit, in a higher position than the Spirit. This is like placing the cart before the horse, and then beating the cart to move.

The body is not sick. It is our unreasonable and non-negotiable attachment to the body that is sick. Our Spirit is in distress. Our Spirit IS our emotional content. Our Spirit is trying to learn from a body experience. This is clearly insane.

The Home of the Spirit is the emotional body,  or above the physical body, not in it. As long as our Spirit remains trapped inside of the dark folds within the physical body, is how long we will continue to independently experience disease and death. As long as we continue to globally depend on the body to solve our emotional problems, there will be war, crime, disease, and medical anomalies that defy logic. These are emotional issues, not physical ones. Release your Spirit so it can solve these problems for you.

E- motion moves our Creative Spirit. The whole Universe moves based on the pure e-motions of the Spirit. This includes the galaxies that are beyond the understanding of the body. These problems are NOT beyond the ability of the Spirit to understand or offer resolution to, but it is up to us to look at how we have violated our own Spirit by placing the body in control of our emotional content. You don't analyze the higher emotions of your Spirit, yet this is all the brain is capable of.

Force and manipulation moves the body. If you capture the creative e-motion of the Spirit in the dense nature of the body, it will get sick and eventually die. Without the Spirit, the body is nothing. You cannot claim that a book is greater than the one who reads it. Neither can you claim that the body is greater than the Spirit. The book is a learning device for the reader, and the body is a learning device for the Spirit.....and that's the way it is.

Wednesday, August 17, 2016

Who Am I?

Have you ever had the feeling that something was wrong with you? Did you just toss this feeling off, or did you look within to see if you could figure it out? Did you talk to someone about this feeling? If you did, were you able to shake this feeling off, or did you just get on with your life? Did someone tell you it was normal to feel this way? Well, nothing could be further from the truth.

There is ultimately something very wrong with our world, and no one in this world is going to fix it. Even the ones with all of the money can't fix it. The plans for the people with all of the money to take over the world is a belief, and belief can change. It is reality that cannot change. Because reality is not assigned by belief, then there is hope for our world.

Reality does not work according to what we have been taught, nor does it hold the same value as we do in our 3D physical experience. In our physical experience, the body is the ultimate form that has the ability to make, design, inform, and understand. Yet, if this were all true, then why are we continuing to make a world out of materials that are only going to end up crumbling. Why are our designs faulty, and continually need to be improved? What is the information we understood 100 years ago obsolete today?

This is the problem. We are entering a time period where it will be possible for whole new understanding to enter into what we make, design, information we share, and our understanding will reach into the Heavens.

Science is pursuing a technological future for our world that will be automated by machines. So, this is the problem. If science does this, then society will become one with the machines that science is making. Now, I am not saying that science is not going to get where it wants to go. I am saying that there is a much faster way.

Advanced technology from higher dimensions explored this kind of technology thousands of years ago. They did everything that our limited science is using to give life to form. This is what an advanced science came up with. The physical body.

Before you discount this, examine what you would think if physical science came up with a body that could think and act like we do. This you would not discount, yet many would discount the fact that the ability to make a human form that would make, design, inform, and understand has been around in higher Universal understanding for thousands, if not millions of years.

If you were a robot that happened to be made by technological science and could make, design, inform, and understand, you would doubt that this was true as well. The primary word here is make.Although it is possible to make a body, it is impossible to make a Spirit or a Soul.

The body we live in is a vehicle for the Spirit. I know that you have heard this often, "The body is a temple for the Spirit,"  but what if the primary function for the Spirit, which is the body, became the primary concern for conscious understanding? Would this not change the purpose of the body? Would this not change the value of the body? Would this not change the value that we consciously seek to find value in?

The body is attracted to material form. The Spirit is attracted to non form. These are higher standards of emotional integrity that are commonly recognized at a body level, but are seldom pursued. Why is this? It is because we fear for the safety of the body. It is fear that keeps us from looking at what the real purpose of the body is for.

The only protection that the body needs comes from the Spirit. The body is not in danger, and the material value it seeks to make is merely a means to make the Spirit comfortable while it is using the body for.......this is what the body is for.....communication.

The body is a higher advanced communication structure that is used in time to communicate Real Value in time. Real Value is invisible, as it comes from emotional integrity that belongs to the Spirit. Emotional integrity does not belong to the body. When the learning device becomes the teacher, the device becomes destructive. In other words, it begins to self destruct. This is why death occurs, this is why disease occurs, this is why we continue to seek for value where it cannot be found, and this is why material value can be taken away from us; because it is NOT real.

If the body is a communication learning device for the Spirit, then we can assume that how the body is being used is all wrong. The separate attributes that have been assigned to the separate 5 body senses, when placed under the direction of the Spirit, are whole and complete. This means that they are used as One, in Wholeness, and in a different aspect of time that is impossible for the body to understand. This is because the body understands nothing.

What is this immature body reference that we have given power over our Spirit? It is called the ego. The ego evolved over time so it could inhabit the body and use it to empower this false sense of body self that we believe is who we are. This is NOT who we are. We ARE SPIRIT.

It is going to take every bit of power that we can muster to consciously undo the false references that we have made to body science. Individually, we have turned over control of our Spirit, which is where our real power is, to the ego/body, and it will not go without a fight.

We made this ego self in an effort to understand this unreal world that we live in, and we did a bang up job. We believe in a reality that has been distressing our Spirit for thousands of years. We are now responsible for cleaning up the mess that we made.

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A Season of Miracles

The linear timeline has ended (On the 8th Day). It has ended so a New Creative Day can begin. The question is, what happens when a Creative Day ends?

Whenever a Creative Day ends, ie the 7th day of creation as defined in the Genesis Biblical account, it is time to define a new season. In the case of our world, the  8th Day must begin by collapsing the old linear timeline to make way for a new season.

"To everything there is a season, and a time to every purpose under Heaven." The time defined in this verse found in Ecclesiastics must pass away in order to preserve our world. For instance, there is a time of war and a time for peace. Obviously, we are living in a time of war with no peace in sight. Because of the many advancements in technology, all that is necessary to destroy our world  is for some idiot to push a button.   Once a time for war has completely destroyed an opportunity for peace, the time that defined both war and peace must end. This is because all hope has been abolished.

The season the linear time zone comes from defines opposing value. In other words, if there is something good, the exact opposing value that defines this good must also define the bad. The opposite of war is peace, the opposite of birth is death, the opposite of gathering stones is to scatter them, and so on. This is what the verse in Ecclesiastics is telling us. The time for the season of understanding opposing value is complete. It is time to move into a new season.

The beginning of the 8th Day opens with what seems to be the opposing value to what is good leading the way towards mass destruction of human kind. However, this was not written in the Chapter of the Book of Life at the time our world was created.  Our world is not done understanding what time is for yet. If it were, there would be no hope. Once anything is complete, the hope necessary to build in any given time period. Yet we live in a world of people who remains hopeful. For this reason, a new course of action must begin to be consciously observed.

Let's look at the opposing value of war and peace. What lies between the words of war and peace. Actually there is a dash, just like there is a dash between the words life and death. The dash that is in between any opposing value carries value that can be interpreted in thousands of different ways. For instance, the dash between life and death determines how an individual chooses to live their life. Thus, the dash is defined as choice.

Choice is an undetermined space in linear time that has been used to get from one opposing value to another. For instance, the fastest way to get from the beginning of a journey to the end is a straight line. Most people have been using the linear timeline from a perspective of moving from the beginning to the end by making choices that will shorten their years through time. Do you see the problem here? What if there were another way to use time that did not shorten our years, but instead added value to our journey that did not oppose what we really wanted? For instance, what if there was no opposing value to life? What if there were not opposing value to peace?

You see, we have been skipping over the dash between the two opposing values in time as if there were no other choice. However, the fact remains, we do have a choice.

We were born with Free Will. What this means is that have been given the ability to consciously choose how we want to spend our time. This however, is the problem. We have been spending time attempting to save money. In other words, the dash in our lives where it would be possible to make a better choice as to how we would spend our time, is being used to save money.

Have you not heard that "time is money?" Who has not been taught the value of a dollar? As if the dollar is going to afford you more time. Obviously, this is impossible. How about the statement, "money makes the world go round." Perhaps, but if you do not have any time to spend this money, what good is it?

The fact is, you cannot take money with you when you leave time. However, you can and do take with you what you have learned in time. The time that is allotted to each individual comes with a price. The price can be to use time more effectively by learning to save it, or to save money by working hard in time to as much paper as you possibly can. Whatever you choose, this is how you are using the dash that exist between the opposing values that begin at birth, and end in death.

What if the dash offered another choice that had never been considered? What if there was a choice right here that defined the NOW. Because Now is the only application of time that is real, most people have been filling in the dash with what is expected of them to prove the opposing value that exists on the linear timeline. The problem is, the linear timeline has ended because a New Creative Day has begun.

The new season is defined as A Season of Miracles. This is because we are being offered the opportunity to choose something else in time besides something that opposes what we want to have in our lives. By learning to become a Master at choosing miracles (much as the Christ Master) we learn first how to manage our time more effectively, and then we learn how to become a Time Master.

A Season of Miracles is offering us the means to make another choice other than the one that was at the end of the linear timeline. What is in this new time zone? What is here is what WE will individually decide.

We are not a slave to time, we are a slave to the money that we have learned to spend our time making. We are being given an opportunity to reverse the Laws of Cause and Effect by learning to make a better choice within the dash. This dash is where the Silence in time is being held open for us. It is silent because it is not filled with our happiness and laughter. It is time to learn how to choose again.

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Friday, August 12, 2016

Good Grief Living Water Frequency

The body's lungs carry a tremendous amount of grief. Any kind of loss, be it relationships, death, anything that is viewed as having personal value, in most cases will end up as an emotional block in the lungs. Sadness about something that occurred in the past will find an emotional home in the lungs.
Emotional congestion is most easily identified in the lungs. Bronchitis, colds, coughing, and asthma all find a home in the in this dense, wet atmosphere. Allergies are emotional congestion that never quite made it to the lungs. Whenever an external reminder of a past event comes up into the mind, a reaction will be triggered in the lungs, and a body symptom will be the result. The reason people do not recognize the symptom as being a reminder of something that occurred in the past is because the first time the spirit split off from the whole and became embedded in the body was so long ago. The error generally occurs before the age of reason, or before the individual was consciously able to apply logic to the situation. Once the individual becomes consciously aware, they begin to perceive a body symptom, which is a direct result of the fragmented Spirit that has broken off from the whole, as their reality.

These fragments of the Spirit. They are the inner child that are in distress. We feel the distress of our Spirit fragments that have lodged in the body as a symptom. The symptom is actually a cry for help. The problem comes from the inability to consciously look at the symptom as a Spirit Light Fragment that has split off from the whole. In other words, we are too consciously engaged in the emotional of the symptom to see the real problem.

The means to release the fragmented Spirit from the body, to return to the whole calls on using a specific process that will allow the fragment of Light that is trapped in the body, to return to the Whole. Learning how to use this process will call on the individual to make an investment in time. This is because the Wholeness of the Spirit must be united in time, where the original error began. Once the fragment of Light is returned to Wholeness, a piece of a whole puzzle begins to emerge.
The process of spending time to gain material value has used up much of the time that will be necessary to return the Light Fragments to the Whole Spirit. Reversing this unnatural flow, which is purely materialistic, will allow the individual spend their material wealth to buy the time necessary to return the Fragments of Light that are hiding in the body is now possible. This will reverse the Law of Cause and Effect, which is a Living Law that is begin violated at the body level. The reason why individuals are being granted the opportunity to invest in time is to restore the Wholeness of Spirit, first to the individual, and then to the Whole World.

Never before in the history of the Universe has an opportunity been granted for individuals to use paper value to invest in time. Making any investment in time will speed the process of reuniting the fragments of the Spirit that have become lost in the darkness of the body.

Because people are accustomed to investing in external products with their paper value, making the shift from investing in external property value to the value in time, which is the Home of the Spirit, is being granted by the Heavens. The emotional body and time house the Higher Value of the Spirit. All Light that permeates time comes from the Spirit. It is therefore essential that individual consciousness begin to understand where its reality lies. This reality is not coming from the body. The reason it "feels" like it is coming from the body is because of the Light Fragments of the Spirit that are trapped in the body.

Investing in any of the Living Water Frequencies allows one to "buy time." Investing in the Good Grief Living Water Frequency spray sends a message to the Heavens that the individual is willing to assist the Heavens in its Higher Plan to restore Wholeness to the Spirit. In this the Heavens will offer Help to any individual that acknowledges that there is a Plan to restore the Light of the Spirit.
If you carry congestion in your lungs, be aware that your body is hiding a Fragment of the Light that belongs to the Heavens. The Heavens cannot "take" this from you, as you have been granted the Free Will to hold this Light Fragment captive. However, be aware that this captivity will eventually destroy your body. The body was not designed to carry the Light of Heaven. The symptoms coming from any lung problem within the body must become a conscious indicator if this fact.

The Good Grief Frequency carries the Living Memories, which are essential for the Spirit, of Whole Love, gentleness, joy, courage, adaptability, and the emotional structure necessary to give the value that is individually given, a higher purpose. Good Grief also establishes the higher Links to Heaven. These links are necessary in order to define Heaven on Earth, which are necessary to establish Heaven on Earth.

It does not matter what you do with the body, you will never attract the Light of Heaven. This is because the Light of Heaven belongs to the Spirit, not the body. The body is a communication device of the Spirit. By using the body's lungs for a purpose other than a natural expression of the Spirit, the body's lungs have been placed under the direction of the ego. The ego will attack whenever a past memory that has not been resolved is observed in the external world. The more the individual is consciously aware of this problem, the easier it will be for them to take up the Armor of the Spirit that is being provided by the Heavens.

The Living Water Frequencies is the simplest way to begin releasing the trapped Fragments of Light within the body that belongs to the Light of the Heavens.

A 4oz bottle of Good Grief Living Water Frequency is $35.00, plus shipping and handling.

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Belief and Reality

Belief works at the "I am separate" level. This level can only be defined on a linear timeline. Reality does not, and will not support personal belief because it is separate from wholeness. The condition of wholeness defines whole science. Whole science is the Omniscient Presence that is often interpreted as whole unconditional Love. Any belief that does not support the Oneness, or the Omnipotence necessary to enter into the Omniscient,(whole Universal science of Oneness) has left themselves outside of the wholeness necessary to understand the Omnipresent Time Zone recognized as being Now.

How much does an independent belief interfere with reality? Not one bit. Herein lies the problem, as everyone wants their belief to be special. Being special means that they alone are worthy of entering into the Light, or enlightenment. The fact is, personal belief is too primitive to enter into the Light. A primitive belief is attached to the evolution of the body, and the body is too dense to be encompassed by the Light. This is why shadows are observed in the sunlight. If the individual understood what the Light of the Sun was actually for, the shadow figures of darkness that are carried in personal belief would not interfere with reality.

Reality is not separate from the whole. However, the individual body is. The question is not if this is a problem, the question must become, how can this problem be addressed. Obviously it cannot be fixed by fixing someone else that does not believe the same way we do. We live in a global society that is attempting to fix everyone else through belief that supports a violent end. Even if you do not personally become involved in violence, if you agree with one side or the other, then the whole solution, which is offered in the Light, is escaping you. All that is required for an individual to enter into darkness, which is outside of the Light, is to agree with the belief that opposing value carries some kind of solution. There is no solution in a darkness that opposes the Light. Embracing opposing value will not fix the problem.

When we think we have to embrace an opposing value that is contrary to what we personally believe, it feels like compromise or sacrifice.  Truth, or reality, does not ask us to compromise or sacrifice anything. The problem lies in what we believe. Fortunately, the solution lies here as well.

We live in a world that bears witness to fragmented Light. The term Light in higher understanding, is truth, and truth is the foundation for reality. It is simple for our mind to see Light, understanding, truth, and reality as separate concepts, but the fact is, all of this is defined in One Wholeness Now. One Wholeness Now is not a concept that our beliefs readily accept or are even able to understand in the separate unreality/world that we live in.

The fragments of Light that are being housed in the body are in distress. These fragments of Light are being held hostage in darkness, or in the unreality of a world that we perceive as being the external reality of a world that makes no sense at all. It is the body ego, which was unnaturally integrated into the body to support the evolution of the body, that is keeping us in personal bondage. Without this fragment of Light, the ego would cease to exist. The problem is, we believe that there is some kind of value in the dark understanding that is being provided by the ego. This is what is called belief. The intermingling of Light and darkness has made a very unstable body, and a very unstable world.

When dark began to infiltrate into the Light Body, which is NOT the physical body, but the emotional body, the Heavens would not accept this error. Thus, the physical body became an independent Universe, void of the wholeness necessary to define reality.

In order to make a separate identity real, a timeline to support the independent identity spun away from Real Time. This timeline would support this unreality of a separate identity until the linear timeline ran out of time.

Although the Heavens are patient, it will not continue to support independent beliefs that continue to value shadow figures that are hiding within the interior of the inner Home of the Spirit. This situation must be corrected. Personal beliefs must be addressed that do not the sides of darkness in order to establish reality. Because there is only One Light, the fragments of Light must come together as One so this situation can be corrected globally.

Each one of us are individually responsible for questioning our personal beliefs. Because all belief DOES carry a fragment of Light that belongs to the Spirit, this fragment must be returned to dwell in the Home of the Spirit, which is the emotional body. Any time a fragment of Light breaks away from the Wholeness defined in the Spirit to join with an independent body, a hole is left in the emotional body. This hole is immediately filled with darkness. This darkness is then transferred to the body, where 5 body senses are defined. Without access to other fragments of Light, because of the separation in the body senses, our inner Light is being deprived of the Wholeness of the Spirit. Unless and until we consciously understand this problem, this problem will remain.

This is not a question of who is right and who is wrong. It is a question of Light and dark.This Light and dark can only be addressed at the belief level.

All fragments of Light that have vacated the Home of the Spirit, which is the emotional body, must be led back to the safety of the Spirit, and the individual ego, which is the master of body darkness, or the split that is occurring at the sensory level, is NOT going to like it.

Be prepared for the battle of your life. However, this is not a war that can be won with weapons of war. It must be won through new understanding.

The Heavens have provided us with the means to win this war. This is what miracles are for. This is what Living Water is for. This is what the new purpose of time is for. However, the Heavens cannot remove from our mind what we refuse to turn over.

It is the trust in the darkness that we believe is real that must be addressed. Without questioning this darkness, or the dark separation that exists within the body senses, we will continue to consciously believe and support the idea that it is possible to change reality with what we believe.

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